"Favorite toys of my childhood" # 3 - Flippos or Tazos in spanish

  Hola bella comunidad, hoy me ha encantado este concurso creado por @strecoza, porque sinceramente no se cual juguete de mi infancia fue mi favorito, porque tuve muchos, al igual que ustedes; entonces escoger entre uno es bastante difícil porque todos causan una nostalgia gigante.

Hello beautiful community, today I loved this contest created by @strecoza, because I honestly do not know which toy from my childhood was my favorite, because I had many, just like you; then choosing between one is quite difficult because they all cause a giant nostalgia in me.


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  Entre todos los juguetes que tuve de niño tengo que escoger los "tazos", que no son mas que figuras circulares pintadas con dibujos de caricaturas que venían en las bolsas de chucherías. Encontrarlas en las bolsas de dulces era fantástico, recuerdo que era una sensación de satisfacción que difícilmente puedo explicar por medio de palabras. Lo mejor de los tazos es que podías jugar con ellos en cualquier lugar, trayendo consigo momentos de disfrute muy gigantescos.

Among all the toys that I had as a child, I have to choose the "flippos", which are nothing more than circular figures painted with cartoon drawings that came in the candy bags. Finding them in the candy bags was a fantastic feeling, I remember that it was a giant satisfaction that I can hardly explain in words. The best thing about the flippos is that you could play with them anywhere, bringing with them gigantic moments of enjoyment.

  Jugué mis amigos en la escuela, con mis amigos en el vecindario, con mis familiares en reuniones y hasta solo, porque los tazos simplemente son para divertirse. Realmente si volvieran a vender las bolsas de dulces que traen tazos no dudaría en comprarlos otra vez. Existían tazos de plástico, de metal, tazos gigantes que venían en las bolsas grandes y tazos especiales con diferentes formas, tamaños y pesos, de verdad que los extraño, los tazos y los momentos.

I played with my friends at school, with my friends in the neighborhood, with my relatives in meetings and even alone, because the flippos are simply for fun. Really, if they were to sell the bags of sweets that they bring tazos, I would not hesitate to buy them again. There were plastic and metal cups, giant cups that came in large bags and special cups with different shapes, sizes and weights, I really miss them, the cups and the moments.


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