Hi everyone 🖐️
I hope each one of you is okay . I would like to begin by thanking @slon21veka for this very amazing and beautiful contest.
Grafitti clearly represents an artistic subculture with a message.
This graffiti encourages people to put on masks most especially in these trying times of covid 19...I love this graffiti because it's a daily reminder for people to put on their masks and keep safe.
I took this picture while I was on my way going home..I found it beautiful and felt like it was communicating a wonderful message.
As humans we have the right to express ourselves as long as we are not harming others. As an Outlook , some people use graffiti to put their emotions on display that they would otherwise not be able to communicate.
Graffiti also allows people to display their view points on important topics that can affect the community.
I invite my friends @namwoli @quanbriel to take part in this beautiful contest.