Hello steemians

How are you all doing. I hope you are all fine and thanks for coming by. Be sure to read everything. Pretty sure you won't regret it.

I want to take the chance to thank @knopka145 for creating such a beautiful contest. I am very happy to be able to participate in this competition.

Today I am going to write about a plant I love. It is planted in my house. Right in front of our compound. I found it little when I was also little.



It is the mango tree. I personally planted it my self. I found it at a friend's house then I brought it home and planted it. It is 10 years old. It has grown so big during these years. It started producing fruits on its 5th year. I traveled by then and I could not eat its first year of produce. The second year came and I was fortunate enough to be at home. I ate it so many times during the day. It was so good.

The leaves become big and green at the stage of pollination and fertilizing. It produces smaller mangoes. The flesh of the mangoes are deep green when they are not riped. The flesh become very yellow and shinny when it ripes. It becomes soft and edible.


I remember when i brought the young plant home. My father realised how much i loved it and he helped me to water and look out for the young plant. We would water it morning and evening. We made a fence around it so that animals will not eat it. It was a really brave plant. Anytime the leaves came out the fence it got eaten by animals. But it wouldn't give up and kept growing more and more.


We had finish eating the mangoes last month. I would have shown the fruit but sadly is no more available. I went up trying to see if i could get a single mango and couldn't find one.


The tree has helped us alot during these years.

  • It gives us shade. Every time we feel like getting fresh air. We just go out and sit under the tree's shade. The leaves are big and So it brings cool breeze.

  • It blocks heavy wind
    When ever it is rainy and there is a heavy wind. The tree protects our house from the voilent wind. It blocks any material the wind carries. Like the dust and papers and rubbers and other stuff. It blocks them and all we have to do after the the wind is over is to sweep the compound to collect all what is blocked down


  • It gives us ventilation
    The tree produces oxygen that brings it to our rooms. It makes our rooms feel cool.

  • Gives us fruits
    The tree gives us sweet mangoes. We eat it anytime we want to during its season. It produces a lot of mangoes. We always eat it for like 1 month before the mangoes finish on the tree.
    I send some of the mangoes to my grandmother who stays far from our house. I tried my best not to waist any of the mangoes. Even if i couldn't get anybody to give it to. I would send it to school. So my mates could enjoy it

We do not intend to ever cut the tree off. This tree means so much to me and I won't allow anybody to cut it either. I hope that my children and their children will grow up to see it and also eat from its beautiful fruits.


I am planning to plant another mango tree behind our house. We are getting into the rainy season and I will do that when we finally get into it. I really do loves mangoes and this time I want it to be the big mango fruits that I will plant.

Thank you very much for reading till the end.
I appreciate it
Love you all

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