🌴//STEEM PLANTS CONTEST WEEK #12,//BY-@konokreza. (03-05-2021)🌴🌴

Assalamu Alaikum.

My best wishes and congratulations to all the excited friends.

I love planting trees. Plant trees yourself and encourage others to plant and preserve our environment.

I am from @konokreza Bangladesh.

  • Use steam plants 12 times a week. I'm going to take part today.

  • @knopka145 Madam, I sincerely thank you for sharing this with us and for giving me the opportunity to take part in this beautiful competition.

  • I have participated in the last few competitions but I am very happy to be a part of this community.

  • Today I am going to discuss a great subject among you and this great subject is that I will present to you the result of Bangladesh in the current standard season that is jackfruit.

  • I hope everyone likes to eat jackfruit and have detailed knowledge about the care of jackfruit trees. @knopka145 Madam, I don't know if you have ever seen or eaten jackfruit, but try to eat it.


Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.


  • There are jackfruit orchards along the road from Gangni to Hatboalia in Gangni upazila of Meherpur district in Bangladesh. This jackfruit tree is 2 feet away. Jackfruit is grown in Bangladesh in the current season. Some trees hold jackfruit for 12 months.

  • I will discuss your purpose today. So let's start with the details about jackfruit.


Jackfruit cultivation:


  • High and medium well drained fertile land which does not stand water is suitable for jackfruit. Jackfruit seedlings are usually made from jackfruit seeds. If you take out big seeds from well ripened jackfruit, apply ashes, dry them in the shade for 2/3 days and sow them in the seedbed, the seedlings will grow in 20-25 days. 2-3 month old seedlings should be carefully picked and planted in the main land. In addition, seedlings can also be made with cocoon pens, pulse pens, eye pens, seedling pens. The distance between the tree and the line should be 12 meters. At the time of planting, 35 kg of dung, 210 g of TSP fertilizer and 210 g of MOP fertilizer should be applied in each hole. However, with age, the amount of fertilizer for each plant needs to be increased. Moderate and timely irrigation is required for rapid growth of seedlings / cuttings. It is caused by a type of fungus. The attack of this disease causes brown spots on the fruit and eventually the affected fruit falls off the tree. The fallen leaves and fruits under the tree have to be burnt. Follicur fungicide should be mixed with water at the rate of 0.05% and sprayed 3 times in 15 days after flowering. Due to the attack of the fungus, it turns black at a young age. At this time Dithene M45 or Ridomyl MZ65 should be mixed with 2.5 g per liter of water and sprayed. It takes 120-150 days for the fruit to ripen. Jackfruit is usually collected in the month of Jaistha-Ashar.

Jackfruit as food:


  • Jackfruit can be eaten both raw and ripe. From spring to summer, raw jackfruit is eaten as kanda or ichore. Ripe fruit is quite nutritious, but its smell is not so appealing to many. Yet many prefer it for its mildly acidic sweet taste and low price. Jackfruit seeds can be cooked and eaten with curry or burnt like nuts. One of the advantages of this is that the seed can be left at home for a long time. Ripe fruit cells are usually eaten, these cells can be squeezed out and dried to make β€˜jackfruit’ like amsatva. This is how jackfruit chips are now being made in Thailand. The husks and husks (amara) that remain after eating the cells are a good food for cattle. Jute can be made from peanuts as they contain sufficient amount of pectin. It is even known to extract raw honey from shells or pulps. The leaves of the jackfruit tree are a fun food for cattle. Valuable furniture is made from trees. The sticky streaks of jackfruit fruits and trees are used to close holes in wood or various pots.



  • There are several varieties of jackfruit. Varieties cultivated in Bangladesh and India can be roughly divided into two parts. Apart from Gala and Khwaja, there are other varieties of jackfruit. β€˜Raskhaja’ has the characteristic of being between Gala and Khwaja jackfruit. There are also Rudrakshi, Singapore, Ceylon, Baromasi, Golapgandha, Champagandha, Padmaraj, Hazari etc. Of these, only Hazari jackfruit is in Bangladesh, the rest are in India.

Throat or throat:


  • When the jackfruit ripens well, the cells or koya stored inside it become very soft, sweet and juicy in nature. However, sometimes the taste of the juice is sour-sweet. The cells are relatively small. The thorns on the husk are not very flat. After ripening it becomes a little reddish-yellowish. The cells can be easily separated.

Jackfruit cells:


  • Seeds from ripe fruit can be cooked once and it seems to have a more milky, sweet taste than Brazil nuts. They can be boiled, baked or roasted. The flavor of the seeds is comparable to chestnuts. The seeds are used as snacks either by boiling or fire-roasting or in making sweets. In Java, the seeds are usually cooked as a snack and seasoned with salt. These are commonly used in India as a traditional curry blend of lentils and vegetables. The young leaves are tender enough to use as a vegetable.



  • Jackfruit has a sweet taste and a fruity aroma. A study of the cultivation of five varieties of fragrant volatile jackfruit found that the main volatile compounds ethyl isovalerate, propyl isovalerate, butyl isovalerate, isobutyl isovalerate, 3-methylbutyl acetate seeds could be used as commercial alternatives to chocolate fragrance.



Jackfruit is my very favorite fruit so if you like it, let me know in the comments.

β˜…β˜…β˜… STEEM-BRU(BY-RU-UA) β˜…β˜…β˜…

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Thanks a lot..

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