šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“//STEEM PLANTS CONTEST WEEK #13,šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“//BY-@konokreza. (22-05-2021)šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“šŸŒ“

  • First of all I would like to thank @knopka145 Madam who has always given us such a beautiful competition.

Assalamu Alaikum.

  • My best wishes and congratulations to all the excited friends.

  • I love planting trees. Plant trees yourself and encourage others to plant and preserve our environment.

  • I am from @konokreza Bangladesh.

  • Use steam plants 13 times a week. I'm going to take part today.

  • @knopka145 Madam, I sincerely thank you for sharing this with us and for giving me the opportunity to take part in this beautiful competition.

  • I have participated in the last few competitions but I am very happy to be a part of this community.

  • Today I am going to discuss a great topic among you and this great topic is to present to you the details of lemon in the current season in our country.


  • The lemon orchard you see is the garden of me and my uncle. There are many types of trees in this garden and I will highlight the lemon garden among you. Lemon is a beneficial fruit. It is possible to cure many diseases with this lemon. You may know the qualities of this lemon. This will bring good news to anyone who has just seen it and I will give them a tree as a gift.

Below I will discuss with you how to cultivate lemon and its benefits.

  • Let's find out some of the great benefits of lemon-


Prevents cancer:

  • Lemons contain a variety of nutrients that help the body build resistance against various cancers. By keeping lemon in our diet regularly, we can prevent cancer.

Keeps the stomach healthy:

  • Lemon is the ideal tonic for those who suffer from stomach upset. Stomach upset, diarrhea, indigestion, constipation, our discomfort, a glass of lemon + salt water in the beginning will relieve you from this pain. One teaspoon of honey with lemon is better.

Good for the lungs-

  • Lemon takes care of the lungs and removes toxins from the body, lemon keeps the body fat and lipid levels low.

Heals wounds:


  • Lemon is high in vitamins which boosts the body's immune system. It is very effective in controlling any viral infections like cold, flu, fever and is also important in healing urinary tract ulcers.

Reduces hyper tension:

  • People who do not get enough potassium in their diet are more likely to develop various heart diseases. Lemon juice contains sufficient amount of potassium which helps in reducing hypertension.

Skin care:

  • There is no pair of lemon as a natural cleanser, it helps to retain the beauty of the skin, using lemon juice mixed with honey enhances the beauty of the skin. It controls the contraction of the skin. Removes excess oil from the skin. Lemon juice is a natural anti-septic. Eliminates bacterial infections. Cures acne, brightens skin tone. Eliminates age wrinkles.

Eliminates bad breath:

  • Eliminates gum pain, dental problems, bad breath. There is no need to brush your teeth after eating lemon water.


Makes nails beautiful:

  • When you polish your nails with a little lemon, the nails get a bright color back from their discoloration. Dipping the feet, hands, in lemon water is also a benefit.

To lose weight:

  • Regular consumption of fresh lemon juice + water will help you to lose weight gradually.

PH level control:

  • Surprisingly, despite being acidic, lemons are alkaline when needed by the body. It does not create acidity in the body. It keeps the pH level of the body in the right condition. Drinking lemon juice + salt water keeps the pH level right.

In the well-being of pregnant women:

  • Lebuzal is very good for pregnant women. It not only keeps the body of the pregnant woman well but also benefits the unborn baby a lot. Lemon's vitamin C and potassium help in the formation of baby's bones, brain and body cells.

Curing shortness of breath-

Those who have mild shortness of breath can eat a teaspoon of lemon juice before meals as a rule. For those suffering from mild asthma, lemon juice will serve as a medicine alternative for them.

Removes the impression of age

  • Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way. Moreover, many can read the wrinkles. Lemon juice is very effective in removing these wrinkles. Put lemon juice on the lines for 15 minutes and wash off.


Lemon cultivation method



Lemon is one of the most helpful vegetables on the Bengali table. So now lemon cultivation has started in different parts of our country. Lemons on the table and in salads are unthinkable. Lemons have a special nutritional value as they have a role in enhancing the taste. Especially leafy lemons are called 'C' vitamin depot. A glass of hot and cold lemon juice removes the clini- instant. Lemon is a wonderful vegetable and herb. 91% of people in our country are suffering from vitamin C deficiency. An adult needs to eat an average of 30 mg of vitamin C daily. Lemon is the only fruit rich in vitamin C. Available less than a year.

  • Nutritional value: Rich in vitamin C.

Medicinal properties:


Drinking lemon juice mixed with honey or ginger or salt relieves cold and whooping cough.

Suitable land and soil:

Lemons are best in lightly loamy and moderately acidic soils.


Breed contact:

Barry Lemon-1 (Cardamom Lemon): High yielding lemon Barry Lemon-1. The main feature of the scent. Large in size of the tree. The leaves are large and wide. When cared for, the tree bears fruit twice a year. It is suitable for fruiting in July-August. Adult trees bear up to 150 fruits. Large in size, oval in shape and average weight of each fruit is 195 to 260 grams. Cardamom lemon The shell is eaten.

  • Barry Lemon-2: Barry Lemon-2 is a high yielding variety. It is a medium sized and shrub-like tree. It bears a lot of fruits all the year round. The fruit is round, of medium weight. This lemon is suitable for cultivation all over the country.

  • Bari Lemon-3: A late (Nabi) variety Bari Lemon-3. The tree and leaves are small in size. The fruit is round and small. The skin is very smooth, the skin is thin and the number of seeds is less. Suitable for.


Sapling planting:

Cocoon cuttings are made and planted at a distance of 2.5 m from mid-Baishakh to mid-Ashwin. Mid-Boishakh to mid-Ashwin is suitable for planting seedlings.


Fertilizer management:

400 gms of TSP fertilizer, 400 gms of MOP fertilizer, 500 gms of urea fertilizer and 15 kg of dung are to be applied to each tree. It is to be applied in the month of Ashar.


Unwanted branches of the tree have to be pruned from mid-Bhadra to mid-Kartik every year.

Irrigation and weed management:

Irrigation should be given 2-3 times in dry season. Care should be taken so that water does not freeze.

  • Insect spider management

  • Insect name: Lemon butterfly insect

  • Damage pattern: This insect starts eating from the edge of the leaf and eats the whole leaf.

  • Management: Eggs and moth-infested leaves are collected and buried or burnt under the soil.

  • Insect name: Lemon red small spider

Damage sample:

The mite eats the green leaves of the lemon tree and the fruit. The fruit turns yellow and a white coating is seen on the fruit. If you look at the bottom of the leaf, you can see small mites moving.


Pick up and destroy the infected leaves including spiders. If the level of infestation is high, mix 2 ml of Ethion 46.5 liquid or Neuron 500 liquid per liter of water and soak the lemon leaves.


Harvesting: Fruits should be collected while they are green.

  • Lemon Varieties: There are many varieties of lemons. Among them are lemons, paper lemons, cardamoms, seedless lemons, sarbatilebu, batabilebu, oranges and multalebus. However, oranges grow in hilly areas. Common use of lemon: Lemon is usually valued for its juice. Its shell and peel are also used for various purposes. But mainly lemon juice is used everywhere. It is difficult to find people who do not like lemon. Lemon has many properties. 100 grams of lemon contains about 53 mg of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Vitamin C enhances the function of immune cells. If any part of the body is cut or injured, it also helps in wound healing by making collagen cell material quickly.

  • Lemon citric acid can reduce the excretion of calcium and prevent gallstones. Lemon is the only hope when you do not like to eat anything with fever. Lemon reduces the risk of heart disease. Lemon juice is effective in healing facial scars. Using lemon juice also cures facial acne. Lemon reduces body weight. Lemon contains substances that burn excess body fat. As a result, the infection is also reduced. A recent study has proved this information.

  • The method of cultivating lemon is so simple again. It is possible to cultivate it even in small tubs on the roof of the house. How to plant seedlings: One part dung should be mixed with two parts of Do-Ash or sandy Do-Ash soil. For one inch tub, 50 grams of T, S, P, 50 grams of Potash, 10 grams of lime and 150 grams of bone powder should be mixed together and kept for 12-15 days. Then a lemon pen seedling should be planted in 6 tubs. Lemon usually has a kind of disease called dieback. So it is necessary to see that the seedling of the pen is not diseased. All lemon trees usually require very little water. Early planting requires less water.


Finally I say from my own knowledge you cultivate lemons and benefit yourself and try to benefit everyone. One of your lemons can save another person's life from getting sick.

ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… STEEM-BRU(BY-RU-UA) ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…

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