Sleep is an important thing; we all know that. We are told to sleep at least 8 hours a day, it is the healthy thing to do. I remember as a child, my parents used to chase me and my brother to go to sleep during the day. Of course as kids, we sometimes refused so mum would bribe us with sweets or extra hours of television.š¤£š¤£
We have now grown up and no one chases us or brines us with sweets to go to bed, we do that on our own now. In my childhood, I used to sleep as early as 8pm. It was usual because I would be too tired after playing the whole day. But now, it is so hard for me to sleep during the day unless if IAM sick.
How many hours do I sleep? I sleep for 5-6 hours. This is because I developed insomia along the way.
Insomia is a sleep disorder that results in difficulty in falling or staying asleep. It can be caused by a big number of things including stress. Having a stress full lifestyle or facing trama such as losing a loved one can cause insomia. However, it can be managed.
My insomia maybe due to school stress and trama from loss as I have lost a number of people recently including my young sister and two close friends. Good rest their souls.
It is almost impossible for me to sleep before midnight no matter how tired I might be. I will sleep either at exactly midnight or an hour past midnight; and I will be awake by 7am. But 6 hours is not that bad, is it?
I invite @brendakim, @pixiepop and @cutieprossie to take part.