Hey Everyone from STEEM - BRU!

I am damn excited to take part in this plant contest organised by @knopka145. It would be my first post in Steem - BRU. I am Nabanita, from India, 22 years old and a person who loves to snap macro photos especially those of flowers!

Although I am in quarantine right now because of spikes in positive cases recently in my state, at the beginning of this year, I had an opportunity to visit a temple in a village nearby. It has a garden dedicated to that place and commoners are allowed to dwell around. I go to that place once every year during vacations.

I thought that there would be no better opportunity to talk about these beautiful plants and flowers than this.

The temperature in my state during winter stays around 11-25 degree Celcius. It is the most comfortable time of the year for vacations, holidays and picnic so for us winter is the vacation time, unlike summer. Summers are scorching hot and humid, unbearable! In simpler terms.

It is a marguerite daisy plant with blooming flowers. This is the plant that attracted me the most. I don't know its name but the colours and contrast got my attention. Just in a corner of a hut inside the temple premises, these cute little flowers were moving their heads in the air.

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Marguerite Daisy Plant

There was a pond in the further most of the garden's premise. It was fully covered with this beautiful red flower plant. The leaves and the flowers contrasted each other finely creating a visually pleasing sight for us. I don't know if this plant blooms only in winter or not but I would love to have them back at home in our front yard.


I don't know its name :(

There was another cute little plant with lots of small violet flowers in it. I guess that was kind of Lithops. I am not sure about the name though. These were small but bright. I have seen them in other places and I knew this plant only blooms in winter.



There was a sunflower plant too. Although it didn't shine as much as it does during summer but, I couldn't resist myself from snapping a picture of it. Sunflower really uplifts the mood with its bright yellow colors!



I guess this one below here is a Frangipani. I got a glimpse of a shrub just behind me. It was blooming with these white and yellowish flowers. My boyfriend had been there with me and he loved this plant the most of all.



and These are Jasmines! I have them back in my front yard garden. I just love their smell.


A Rare kind of Jasmine

This is another type of Jasmine I get used to seeing around me. I also have them back at home. We offer these flowers in religious rituals so, it is common to find them at most households and even temple premises.


Common Jasmine

On a cold rough winter afternoon, a blissful tour of a garden is really soulful and turned me happy. Natural colours and greenery is a treat to our eyes especially people like us who live in the cities. I want to visit this place again this year to evident new add-ons to their plant and flower collection!

Thank you so much for spending your valuable time going through this post. I appreciate your support and engagement very much. I am a newcomer and taking part in Steemit contests have been a fun experience so far.

I would like to hear from you as well about my photos. Which did you like the most?

Peace and Keep steeming. <3

GearPOCO X2 and Nikon D5300
LensNIKKOR 50mm Prime
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