Graffiti of My City Contest || 15.05 - 22.05

Graffiti on the stair

I will write about few chosen graffiti's which I photographed in Valparaiso, Chile three years ago. That city is like one huge workshop of the street artists: almost every corner hides some masterpiece. Graffiti, sculptures are everywhere and each time when I was going out for a walk, I was discovering something new.

My attention brought the way of making graffiti on the stairs. I can imagine that painting that way is more difficult, because each time when the artist wants to see the effect, has to look at their art from the perspective. Two arts made on the stairs I loved the most:



Same artist - different places

Sometimes I was recognizing the same artist by the style of their artworks. These two were made in totally different places, far away from each others, but there is no way to not recognize the same person made it.



Bright and colourful

Majority of the graffiti's in Valparaiso was very colourful and bright. That works very well, as it shows the real character of the city - fun, parties, a lot of young people and taking from the life what's the best.




My favourite artwork

In the end let me show you my favourite masterpiece. I'm a huge fan of "the Shining", I believe I have seen it ten times or even more, so it's not the surprise that my beloved graffiti is the one with Jack Nicholson.
"Here's Johnny!"


All the photos included in the post belongs to me.

If you want to know me better, here is my achievement 1 


I invite @geos90 @cami.cami @willeusz

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