Color Palette Contest by @olesia and @dmitrik 🌈 | Week#2#|Yellow#|Sunflower


¡Hello Everybody!

If there is something that I like, it is the colors. They have so much power that they can change even your mood. That is why I gladly participate in the contest presented by our friends @olesia & @dmitrik, Paleta de Colores.

All colors have a meaning and an impact on the people who perceive it.

That is why they have a wide application in psychology and marketing. Colors denote emotions, reactions, and reflect personalities.

Yellow is one of the primary colors.
It signifies optimism, security, self-esteem, extroversion, strength, friendship, and creativity.
It is exhilarating, inspiring and mobilizing.

One of my favorite flowers is Sunflowers. Not only because of its color, but also because of the movement that this flower makes from east to west in search of the sun.


The Sunflower is the symbol of the Sun and represents love and admiration. Happiness, vitality, positivity and energy. A spiritual symbol is attributed to him for his movement following the position of the Sun. And this represents the search for light, for enlightenment. That is why some religions associate it with the search for God, for the divine, since the sun symbolizes God.


There are many stories about sunflowers, such as the following:

In Greek mythology, the nymph Clytia fell madly in love with the god of the Sun, Apollo, who did not feel the same way about her. Clytia's heart broke and she died of grief, turning into a sunflower that followed the sun wherever she went. She didn't want to lose sight of her love, the Sun. Fuente


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The images were captured with an IPhone10 cell phone.

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