STEEM PLANTS CONTEST : The beginning of the stage #17, by @sazaliza


Hello stemian friends, I will participate again in the contest organized by @konopka145 with the theme "The week #17 of the Steem plants contest start".

Edamame beans are young beans still in the pod, which we often find in Japanese restaurants. Edamame is often referred to as soybeans from the country of origin of cherry blossoms. In my area, people rarely plant these beans, but soybeans are mostly planted. Adamame beans are green while soybeans are yellow.


Edamame Nuts contain nutrients that are very beneficial for the human body. The content of emamame includes protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. We have been planting edamame for two seasons. 6 months ago, my family and I have been harvesting and selling by word of mouth marketing. We sell 1 kilogram of peanuts for 20 thousand rupiah.





Edamame bean plants don't really have a large area like I plant behind the house. The plant seeds were obtained through an order from an online shop because the peanut lips were not in our area, we had to order outside the island of Sumatra, namely on the island of Java.

A short way to grow Edamame beans which are a type of soybean cultivar originating from Japan which has green seeds and large fruit. is, first the planting land is plowed first and then make various soil beds and are adjusted to the land they have. If I am 1 meter wide, 30 meters long and several beds are ready. Once ready then sprinkled with organic fertilizer. After the land is ready, the seeds are there, so it's just a matter of planting. The day before planting, irrigate the beds. Then make a hole for sowing the edamame seeds. Don't forget the distance between 1 hole and another hole is between 20 to 30 cm. After that watering and don't forget to give plastic on the bed to avoid pests and give fertilizer after a week put the seeds into the prepared holes.


After all is done when it is 65 days old or 2 months 15 days then the edamame beans are ready to be harvested. Here's some documentation of the edamame harvest I did. Hopefully this third harvest will provide us with sustenance.. amen




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