CONTEST // #GRAFFITI OF MY CITY №28 // Graffiti on Paseo Orinoco // @zhanavic69

Greetings from my country Venezuela, specifically from my hometown Ciudad Bolivar, where graffiti are not very abundant, I also had a different idea of what graffiti meant but seeing others I think I understood.

This is my participation.


This graffiti is allusive to the fishing of the sapoara and bocachico, very abundant fish in our Orinoco River in the Paseo Orinoco in fair time.

In it you can also see the Angostura Bridge, the tallest tower of the Cathedral, and a dolphin or river dolphin, which are emblematic figures of my city.

Photo taken with my SONY camera, applying the Zoom, since I was far away from where I was.

I invite @skinnnygirl @babygirl001 @shivam7838

This is the contest link @slon21veka/contest-graffiti-of-my-city-28

Thanks @slon21veka I really enjoyed participating.

Post benefited 10% for the community.

Firma Zhanavic69 con foto.png

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