The first thing I've notice is the number showed in the wheel representing the current power voting. I realized that because I compared it with the one you can see in the too:
At this point I'm not pretty sure what happens when I simulate the payout (which maximum number is 200) because I didn't see any change in this section. I'd like to get some orientation about this.
In this section, after seeing the stats tab I've been reviewing the ones of balances and delegations+ orders:
Then, the account details with the respective authorities and resources credits + market info:
You'll see the recent followers and mentions that others did to you like this:
System info of the whole blockchain and basic settings of your account:
Looking at the posts and even incoming/outgoing votes from stats section:
Author/Curation rewards after clicking refresh button and one of the voting graphics:
You can also find useful and interesting tools at the final section:
I have a question about this: what's the difference regarding to the trail curation that is possible in auto.steemdb too? Isn't the same? Any advice will be welcoming.
List and schedule details of witnesses + proxy info of them:
Seed nodes check:
I verified a node from account operations section to the block explorer:
Windows of creating/recovery of accounts and managing of keys:
And finally but not less important is the abuse finder dialog box that can helps you to report any problem if someone is broking the golden rules in this platform:
~Attention @cryptokannon