Assalam 0 Alaikum!
I hope you are all fine.I have completed my Achievemet 1 and now I have come to Achievement2.
I hope you enjoy my post.So Let,s start without wasteing of time.
Today task is basic security on steemit.I will answer various security questions.
Have you retrieved are you keys on steemit?
I have saved all the keys in Google Drive.
Also, I've saved all the keys in my copy.
I'm sure my keys can't be lost.
Do you know each of these keys function and restrictions?
Yes I know all these keys and their function ad restrictions.I know the memo key,active key ,master key and other keys as well as.
So let,s take a quite look.
Memo key
Memo keys are used to send and receive encrypted messages.
Owner key
It is very important key on steemit. It is used for recovering your lost password.
Posting key
This key used in steemit for voting,posting,comment upvoting,editing a post,follow other account and They are used to track accounts and save content.
Active key
This key is used for power up and power down.It is used for finincal transaction in my account.
Master password
The master password is very important to you and you have to take it very extreme care.If your password is stolen or accessed, your account is stolen.
So you need to make your master password very secure.
Question 3
How do you plan to keep your master password?
When I realized the importance of the master password, I kept it very secure.The master password cannot be stolen or lost.I saved it to my Google Drive and separate USB.
Question 4
Do you know how to trasfer your steem token to another steem user account?
First of open your steemit on wallet,a new page opened.After going to wallet click on steem option.After clicking steem a small arrow shown click on arrow .After that click on transfer option .Go there and enter username that you want to send steem and enter its password.You will understand better from the picture below.
Question 5
How to power up?
After going on wallet click on steem new small page is open .you see there power up option click on power up .Another page open. Go there and power up as much as you can.
I hope you like my post.
Achievement 1 Link
Thanks to all to stop here for visting my post.