Achievement 3 by @hannydave || Task : Content Etiquette

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Plagiarism is a process where a person copies the thoughts, ideas as well as the expression of other people and then claim it to be their own original thoughts, ideas as well as the expression without giving credit to the real owner of the thoughts, ideas as well as the expression.

Common types of plagiarism

Here in this section, i want to discuss the following types of plagiarism; Direct Plagiarism, Self Plagiarism, Mosaic Plagiarism and Accidental Plagiarism.

Direct Plagiarism:- In this type of Plagiarism, the victim copies the original work word-word without citing the source of the work and without using quotations mark to signify that it is a copied work. This type of practice is mostly seen in educational sector and it is highly prohibited.

Source of Article

Self-Plagiarism:- As the name implies Self Plagiarism, it is a type of plagiarism that you as a person commits against yourself. For instance, as a steemian, if you publish an article in the hive blockchain platform, and then you copied thesame article and then publish it in steemit platform, we consider that as self plagiarism. Though the content might be very useful and you feel other people should benefit from it as well, the best thing to do is to copy the link and attached to any of your post so that people can view it from there.

Source of Article

Mosaic Plagiarism:- Here in this type of Plagiarism, they plagiarist uses a phrase or a clause gotten from someone article or speech without citing the source. This means that the plagiarist takes the phrase as his or her original words because he/she does not use any quotation marks on the phrase.

Source of Article

Accidental Plagiarism:- This type of Plagiarism occurs when the plagiarist fails to source the copied work or he sourced the work but in a very wrong manner or a situation where he paraphrases the work presenting same idea using similar words without quotation and citation.

Source of Article

"Preventing plagiarism is very easy, all you need to do as a write is to provide the source of your information so that others who find you article interesting can move ahead to make more research using the sources provided."

What is the easiest way to avoid plagiarism

The only way one can avoid plagiarism is by citing the original source of the work. Do not take credit on other people's work. Make sure to always use quotation marks on phrases that are not yours originally.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"


I want to sincerely appreciate the steemitblog for such a wonderful program organized to help new comers to understand the essence of writing unique articles. At the cause of my research on this task, i went through other steemians post and i also made some research on google and that has educated me on this basic types of plagiarism i presented above. I want to appreciate @cryptokannon for her continuous effort in providing guide for the new comers.

Thanks for reading...

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