Achievement 5 Task 1 by @drqamu : Review

Here is how I explored the site for the sake of completion of this task and indirectly to learn a lot of new things about my account. So before I proceed, I thank steem newcomers community for being so kind and giving us wonderful tasks to complete.
Coming to specifics of the task ;

Go to . Below tab willl open
and click on dashboard. When I did so, I was not logged into my account, so I had to login first to fetch my account details. once logged in , following tab opened.

From. here, for the sake of task completion, I will try to answer the questions which we are supposed to know for completing this task.

  • Please explain how to check Reward Summary for All time, last 30 days and last 7 days for your account?

I would say it is too simple, after logging in, scroll down untill you find a heading by the name of rewards summary
. Below the rewards summary all the above details are given.

  • Please explain What is Delegations, type of Delegations and how to Delegate SP?

Delegation in English means to entrust some or to elect someone as your representative. By extrapolating this defntion to steem, we have incoming delegation which means someone else delegates their SP to you and outgoing delegation which means you delegate your SP to someone.
As for procedure of delegation is concerned , once you click on delegation tab, you got to see, incoming, outgoing, expiry date and delegation options. I have already explained incoming and outgoing delegatiin. By expiry date, you can set a date how long you want to delegate sp to someone and vice versa. Now comes option delegate, when you click here, it will display your sp details and ask you to enter amount and account details to whom you want to delgate.

  • How to check Incoming and Outgoing Votes, please explain this with screenshots of both votes for your account?

in your account status, scroll down untill you find inc votes and out votes on right side as shown in scren shot.
Below is screenshot of ourgoinfg votes
Than comes incoming votes

Than click on them one by one and see the details as above

  • How to check account operations for past 7 days and what all details can be checked?

Go to Account operation tab and click on this tab and select number of days for which you want to see different acitivitea in your account, you will be able to see votes, comment, curation reward, author reward, edit post, edit comment.

  • Please explain Author, Curation and Beneficiary Rewards.Also, mention author and curation rewards for your account for past 7 days.


As far. my understanding of terminology is concerned, suppose your are creating a post in steemit and you get certain reward by being voted by some voters. Voters will get share from the reward pool for voting on your post, that is known as curation rewardand left over reward for your post goes to you as an author of the post, twemed as author reward.

How to check your upvote value and at different voting weights using this tool?

This is first thing that appears on your screen once you log in . look at the image above.


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