Achievement 6 Task by @drqamu : Understanding Curation and Community.

As i am heading towards climax of achievement posts here, i am feeling and falling short of words to express my gratitude to all the people linked to newcomers community anyways.i think i am still in the middle of no where. i hope your guidance will continue hereafter too.
achievement 6.png

Thanks cryptokannon

Coming to achievement 6 , here we go;

  • Do you understand how voting and curation work in steemit?

I won't say yes I understood what voting means, but I will try to explain what I have learnt so far.
Let's go
Voting is a sort of tool in your hands which you use to appreciate the work done by fellow steamians in the form of upvotes or occasionally depreciate the content which according to you harms the community by downvoting that content.
There is a definite value for your vote that is proportionate to your steam power. The more the steam power, the more is the value of your vote and vice versa.
Voting power and the vote value thereby, is not a fixed entity. it keeps on changing depending upon the number of posts/comments you vote upon. With every vote you cast, your voting power decrease by 2%. Look at the image below to see the exact regression of voting power
This image was posted by @sapwood as a comment on this post.

Good thing is that voting power keeps on recharging at the rate of 20% per day . So if you want your voting power to be hundred percent at the end of the day you can cost 10 votes per day. As I mentioned above each vote will decrease voting power by 2% so 10 votes will decrease voting power by 20% and by default at the end of the day 20% will regain and you will again come to hundred percent.
Now , let me talk about vote strength. Suppose you have gone through two posts on steemit and you want to upvite both but aa far your analysis of these two posts is concerned, you are of the opinion that one of the two authors has done more reasearh and has posted qualitatively superior post than other. So you want to give more share of your vote value to one and lesser to other. This is possible only if your SP is more than 500. At steem powers less than 500 , automatically 100℅ of your vote strength will be used while voting but if SP is greater than 500 , you will get a choice of voting percentages in the form of a slider.

The act of voting on quality content among lot of stuff circulating on steemit is known as CURATION and the reward that you get out of voting is known as curation reward. Among all the rewards that a post gets , 50℅ of 5h3 payout goes to the author of the post known as author reward and 50℅ goes to those who voted on the post and it is this last 50℅ given to voters which is known as curation reward. Curation reward is paid in 100 percent of steem power and author rewrard depend on authors preference at the time of posting (may be 50/50 steem /SBD or may be 100℅ power up) . Curation reward can be earned on comments too like #oneercent #twopercent #affable rewards going on steemit currently.

  • What happened if you vote a post before 5 minutes marks after posting?
    Voting on posts before five minutes decreases curation reward, that is, the reward that you were anticipated to get after post pay out. The reward that is deducted from your pool won't go to author but will stay in steemit . So don't harm yourself by being in hurry while voting. Have patience for at least five minutes. The sooner you vote, the lesser the rewrds you get.

Sum up

Time at which you voteCurator Reward (%)Reward pool(%)
0 min0100
1 min2080
2 mins4060
3 mins6040
4 mins8020
5 mins1000

  • Who will you vote for Steem Witness ? and Why?

I would vote for @steemchiller for steemworld
@justyy for steemyy . I think they are beneficial for steemit because they have developed some wonderful tools, so they deserve to be supported. Similarly among the others, I will have to look for their contributions here.

  • Which community will you join in Steemit, and why?
    I have joined following communities on steemit.
    Reason for joining these communities is that their purpose of creation suits my interests and therfore have people with similar interests as that of mine. So I enjoy posting and curating in these communities.

I tried joining steemingcuratirs community on discord, but the given link has expired. However i successfully joined notifications bot.


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