Achievement 4:Applying Markdown by @ephraimeka || mentor by @cryptokannon


Hello everyone, it is a privilege to write my achievement 4, i don't really know much about markdowns, but i have come to learn how important markdowns really are in a post, especially on steemit here.

Meanwhile in this article, i am going to discuss about a very vital topic and then apply the markdowns i have learnt to my piece.



Some people just can't help themselves when they hear somebody being yelled at by somebody else and so they scream some words of abuse. It is an unfortunate way to react when we have been attacked, but it is also not surprising that the abuse would be coming from somebody.

When someone yells at us it makes us feel guilty about ourselves and we usually respond with something like "I'm such a loser". Then, we start to feel bad because we did this in response and that is never a good thing.

We need to think about how we are responding, but before we start there are a few things to consider. Those who yell at us are attacking our self-esteem and that can be devastating for many people.

In order to get back on track we need to know that we have done something wrong and that the other person is just reacting to something we have done. There are a few signs that you should look for. If you know what to look for you can stop being the victim and regain your confidence.

First of all, when we hear someone yell at us we tend to turn around to see what is going on and if there is anyone who is yelling back at us. This is a mistake. The yelling back is actually not coming from the other person but it is coming from within ourselves. If we were to really listen to ourselves we would realize that we had done something that was causing all of this and that is what needs to be changed.

When we listen we are being honest and true to ourselves and when we hear what we are saying and being honest with ourselves, we will realize that what we are doing is wrong. Then, we need to stop. Those who yell at us need to realize that their actions are actually hurting us and stopping them will make them happy.

Sometimes we just cannot control our reactions to what other people's feelings are and we just have to let it go. After all, it is not a reflection of who we are as a person. We are capable of learning to deal with other people and if they treat us well enough.

If the yelling does not stop us from dealing with other people, it will show up on our actions and we will begin to feel more frustrated and the worst thing is that we start to think that we are not good enough or that we are not the best. and this causes a downward spiral where we start blaming ourselves and start to take our downslide back to where we started.

Those who yell at us need to understand that the problem isn't with them but it is with us. And if they have been yelling at us they may have been trying to get us to come to a realization that they are the ones that caused all this and they are the ones we need to blame. If that is the case then they should stop and take responsibility.

If you feel like you are dealing with someone who is being abusive then you need to listen to yourself. and learn what you need to do to get over the situation and get on with your life.

When you are faced with a situation like this you want to have a good relationship with that person. You don't want them to be the cause of all your problems.


Instead of trying to make them stop you need to find out why they are yelling at you and then make some changes so you can fix the situation instead of taking it personally. It is very important to take responsibility for your own actions and move forward so you can get over this problem.

Thanks for reading through my piece.

@cryptokannon, this is my entry.

Cc: @bright-obias

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