Achievement 2 : Basic Security On Steemit by @jaiyush

Greetings to the happy late newcomer community.


Today and come with achievement 2, I am very happy about that since my first achievement was verified, with all the desire are this other achievement following the rules and rules that steemit has so let's get started.

  • Question 1.

Have you obtained and saved all your Steemit passwords?

If I got my keys when I registered in steemit all, and save them too.

  • Question 2.

Do you know all the functions and restrictions of the keys?

if the functions my parents taught me.

Owner key: This key is very important in steemit with this we can change the password and we can recover the account too, it is kept in a safe place and that we have at hand.

The master key: This key was the first one that came to me when opening my account this serves to recover our account I keep it very well in case I need it later.

Post key: This key I put to start section in steemit serves me to comment Publish, Vote and Reestimize other publications.

Activation key: This key is to enter wallet I can do power up/down, convert Steem Dollars. transfer.

Memo key: This key is used to decipher private message codes that are sent through the blockchain.

  • Question 3.

How do you plan to keep your master key safe?

I saved my keys very well saved for me are safe I saved them in a notepad in pdf

  • Question 4.

Do you know how to transfer your Steem tokens to another Steem user?

Yes. We went to wallet. and we enter the active key to enter.

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Being inside I go where it says steem I give it clik and then where it says transfer

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A new window opens we have placed username and amount that we fence to transfer

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confirm and ready is this process to transfer.

  • Question 5.

Do you know how to perform the power up process in Steem?

If the power up is done and I will tell you how we give it clik where it says power up.

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We place the amount confirmed and ready perfect operation.

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It is all in this achievement 2 friends grateful to Mrs. @event-horizon for verifying my achievement 1 and so being able to make this achievement 2 I hope it will be good for it to be verified very soon.

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