Achievement 3 task by @mubeenramzan Content Etiquette

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my post. I have finished my achievement 2 task and presently I need to finish my next achievement 3. Which is about fundamental information on delivering and sharing unique substance etiquette.In this Achievements task we will essentially examine about the term PLAGIARISM

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What is plagiarism!

PLAGIARISM mean steel the considerations, creative mind and thought of others and poverd as own thoughts and musings.
In it we need to utilize anything without the consent of writer in their articles and don't give the source.
In PLAGIARISM individuals demonstrated the taken thoughts as their own.

Types of plagiarism

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There are many types of plagiarism we have done in our daily routine of work.

Self plagiarism

Self-plagiarism,also know as Auto copyright infringement it implies that you reuse your articles, recordings, work or content again and huge part of his recently distributed work with next to no attribution.

Mosaic plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism is a kind of plagiarism where individuals revamped the sentences, words and statements from the substance of others and their substance is the mix of their own words and the taken sentence from the substance of the other.

Direct plagiarism

It is the sort of plagiarism in which you duplicate the sentence same to same from others content and demonstrated as your own.

Complete plagiarism

This is the sort of counterfeiting in which individuals taken the total work for instance text, recordings, pictures or musings and distributed as their own name.

Accidental plagiarism!

In this sort of plagiarism the individual mistakenlyreplicated crafted by creator.
These are the different types of plagiarism.

Different methods to avoid plagiarism!

Presently we will examine a few techniques to forestall literary plagiarism.
If we want real success in our life we should avoid from plagiarism.
First of we will discuss the term paraphrasing


Paraphrasing is the technique to avoid plagiarism.
In this method you need to compose the different type of data, sentence,work and paragraphs into your own words without changing the significance of the genuine passage.

Don't copy and paste

We should to do our real work if we want a successful person in our life.
If we keep stealing other people's work we will never be successful in life. To be successful in life it is necessary that we do our own work.


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Assuming you have utilized different considerations, pictures and sentences in your substance then, at that point, give the wellspring of the duplicated material for giving credit to genuine creators since when we replicated crafted by others their diligent effort squandered.

  • This strategy is known as reference it is the better method for utilizing crafted by others without stress.
  • So reference is something worth being thankful for.

Instructions to give citation:

  • The technique for giving references is Very simple.
  • Here I will discusse the strategies for giving citation of pictures.

For pictures

Step 1

As a matter of first importance duplicate the picture and put where you need.

Step 2
Second Then duplicate the connection address or picture address.

Step 3
Third put the section [ beneath the picture compose source and afterward close the section [large braket].

Step 4
Fourth Now put the little section ( and glue the connection there and presently close the brackets(small brackets)Carefully use sections for legitimate reference.

For Quotes:

  • To utilize the statement from any source . You need to just place the symbol[ >] prior to beginning the statement.

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.

Site Allows for pics:

  • These are a few sites that take into account pics on the steemit stage.

✓ []
✓ []
✓ []

These are a few sites that are took into consideration the pica and on account of some other source. You need to give the appropriate source as I clarified previously.


The fruitful technique to forestall counterfeiting is that utilizing your substance utilizing your thoughts, musings, manifestations.
The person who steel writing can adapt nothing himself.
We can never be fruitful in our life on the off chance that we don't separate counterfeiting from ourselves.
Self composing is the best strategy and is more productive. It additionally assists us with expanding our creativities.
The most positive and considerable substance is your own substance wherein you utilize your insight and considerations.
I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.
The link for my others Achievements.

Achievement 1

Achievement 2

special Mentions.

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