Achievement 5 Task 1 - Review by @nadeesew

Hello Everyone,

After verifying Achievement 4 now I'm going to Review There are many features in site. Let me explain you the most important ones.

First you need to log into

Explain how to check Reward Summary for All time, last 30 days and last 7 days for your account?


You can see many tabs with different topics. You can click on reward summary icon and then you can see all time, 30 days and 7 days rewards Summary. Reward history can be seen from here.

Explain What is Delegations, type of Delegations and how to Delegate SP?


Delegation means a user giving our or receiving Steem Power from another user. These two ways are known as delegaion in SP and Delegation out SP.

To see the delegations that I have done and I have received I can click on the delegations icon. As you can see at the moment of the screenshot capturing I have delegated to a community.

How to check Incoming and Outgoing Votes, please explain this with screenshots of both votes for your account?


You can see incoming and outgoing votes icons next to the votes count and votes CSI icons.


Once you click on Incoming votes you will get a colourful pie chart as above. You can see the percentage of votes from that incoming pie chart and how much others have voted.


The same way is done for outgoing votes. When you click on the outgoing votes icon you can get a pie chart with the votes percentages that I have given for others.

How to check account operations for past 7 days and what all details can be checked?


You need to click on Account Operations icon. You can see Today, Yesterday and 6 other days which we can check the account operations. I have shown you my account operations of yesterday for an example.

Explain Author, Curation and Beneficiary Rewards.Also, mention author and curation rewards for your account for past 7 days.


Under the coming rewards tab you can see the Author, curation and Beneficiary rewards. Author rewards are rewards for posts that I wrote. Curation rewards are the rewards I get by voting other's posts and Beneficiary rewards are rewards I get if someone made me a beneficiary and allocates me a certain percentage of rewards.


Here in this screenshot you can see the author rewards of mine for active posts.

How to check your upvote value and at different voting weights using this tool?


The percentage of votes that we have given to some post or that we have received can be checked from the account operations. We can see the dollar value and the percentage value of each in and out votes.

This is all from me for all the questions that were asked in the Newcomer's Guide under the Achievement 5 Task 1. Thank you for reading my post. Have a good day.

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