Hello steemians,I want to share an educational lesson on plagiarism with you.
One will ask what is plagiarism?
This the picture's link
Plagiarism is the act of coping another's person's ideas, words or work for your own personal interest and pretend that they are your own."Plagiarism" is an unforgivable act to commit. There are 4 types of plagiarism. These are; Direct plagiarism, Accidental plagiarism, Mosaic plagiarism, Self plagiarism.
Direct plagiarism
Direct plagiarism is the act of stating word-for-word people's ideas, works without using quotation marks or attributes,thus using it as if it is yours.
Accidental plagiarism:
This happens when one choose to neglect to site sources but unintentionally use similar words, phrases or group of words or sentence without any attributes.
Mosaic plagiarism
This is when one borrows a word, sentence or group of words from a source without using quotation marks and finding synonyms to the original writer's work which sounds the same as the original.
Self plagiarism
This is when one submit his or her own pervious works and try to use it in a different context.A major example of such an act might be someone who writes an article that is published. Later, that same individual writes a book and uses parts of his previous article in the writing without indicating that the text had been previously used.
Remember " negligent is not an excuse in the court of law"
“To the attention of <a class="markdown-post-link" href="/post/@cryptokannon/njawan"">@cryptokannon/njawan"