Achievement 5 Task 4 by @neerajkr03: Review

Hello Steemians!

Here is my understanding and review of , created by @ray.wu


SteemDB is Block explorer and database for the STEEM blockchain. DB stands for the database. There is a live chart of STEEM/ Bitcoin price on the markets shows from POLONIEX.

Home page of

Below are important stats available on the home page.

1) 30-Day MVest Distribution

It shows information related to the distribution of stake by the blockchain through various channels over 30 days. With a small widget, it shows % distribution for curation, authors, commenters, Interest, and WItnesses. The current values in color are showing in GV (Giga Vests) and MV(Mega Vests), on mouse hover on them it shows the exact value. You can click on those stats to see the detail page. It redirects you to the related labs page.


2) Recent Blockchain Activity

This section shows most recent activities in the blockchain. It show block height, transactions and operations such as vote, comment, claim reward balance, transfer, limit order create, account update and all other activities. It shows live updates.


3) Metrics

This section shows steem per Mega Vests.

4) Network Performance

This section shows network performance related quick information such as Transactions per second (24h), Transactions per second (1h), Transactions over 24h, Transactions over 1h, Operations over 24h and Operations over 1h.


5) Reward Pool

This section shows reward pool related quick information such as reward_balance, recent_claims, last_update etc.

Accounts page


It shows user accounts data in a Grid view (tabular) format along with sorting options on the Grid header and pagination options at the bottom right of the Grid view. The default sorting is done based on Vests/SP. You can click on other sorting options and it will reload the data based on that.

Posts page


This page shows posts of selected date and can be sorted based on Top Earning and Most Votes. Above screenshot is sorted based on Most Votes. The titles are clickable and it shows the post content, tags, replies, votes etc. on click on it.

Witnesses page


This section shows DPOS (Delegated proof of stake) elected witnesses of steem blockchain and their relevant historical information. On click of witness URL, it opens the steemit blog posted by the witness so that anyone can learn more about their goals and how they are supporting the community.

Labs page


This page contains experimental projects which can be checked/explored by any user. As it looks like it is still in experiment/testing stage and there is no other details mentioned about it like in which stage it is. Incase a project becomes successful, It might get a place on steemdb site. Also, we might see more new experiments in future in this section.


This section contains all API Endpoints which can be consumed by any developer to create a custom application or to visualize the data. I quickly tested it, all APIs worked and returned JSON data except the "currency supply" API endpoint(at the time of writing this post).

Search accounts


You can enter your or any valid account id and search. It shows all activity of enter account.

To the attention of @cryptokannon and @yohan2on. Thank you!

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