Achievement 4 by @nsisong99 Task : Applying Markdowns

Religion and Mental Health


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Greetings to you all. I'm delighted to be here and trust you're all doing well. On today's epistle of "If You Didn't Know, Now You Know," I'll be talking about how religion can benefit mental health. While also using the post to complete my achievement 4. I'm grateful to this community for hosting this post and look forward to delightful engagement by all members of the community. Without much Ado, let me get the ball rolling.

Religion and Humans

Wherever you live on earth. Whatever your ancestry. Whatever your current belief. Everyone would agree that humans and religion have a shared history. To many, religious consciousness came naturally. For others, it was developed through exposure to some doctrine or mantra that provided the deep connection to some supreme form of energy, giving hope and purpose and defining life and living. Safe to say, there's not an entity of human epoch that can distance itself from some form of religion, at least historically.

Religion and Mental Health: The Link

Keep in mind that in talking about the influence of religion on mental health, focus is on the feelings of deep connection and sense of purpose devotees embrace as they are engrossed in various religious acts.

When talking about health, mental health especially. There's no point attempting to separate the possibility of spiritual influence on mental wellbeing from the reality of religion induced psychological wellbeing. The opposite is also true: mental illness. But how exactly does religious devotion affect mental health? The following are a few facts I believe you'd better know:


Spirituality is a sacred realm of human experience that is unique to each person but universal to all humans regardless of culture and creed. It involves belief and obedience to an all-powerful deity usually called God, who controls the universe and destiny of humans. Spirituality dictates how people fulfill what they believe to be the purpose of their lives.


Religiosity is the degree of one's feeling, involvement and commitment to their religious orientation. This has several dimensions: experiential, ritualistic, ideological, intellectual, consequential, creedal, communal, doctrinal, moral, and cultural.

Mental Health

Mental health has two dimensions: absence of mental illness and presence of serenity and adjustment that results in positive and productive engagement in one's immediate and distal environment.

Spiritual Dimensions to Mental Health

Mentally healthy person's are seen as capable of personal agency within the bounds of sanity, taking responsibility for their behaviour; flexible in their worldview; tolerant of frustrating experiences regardless of the causal object; open to and capable of embracing uncertainty; productive in social interests; courageous when facing apparent risks and daunting decisions; serene in accepting the things that cannot be changed; demonstrating tempered self-control, and focused on harmonious relationships to self and others, including Nature and God. These essential features of mental health are protected and enhanced through belief and obedience to a supreme deity believed to be on the lookout to reward or punish alliance to or deviation from these standards of living.

Religiousness and Mental Wellness

Since religiousness or religiosity has to do with the level of devotion and involvement or commitment to various dimensions of one's religious orientation. It is expected, and has in fact been proven, that the higher the level of religious devotion, the better the mental health outcomes of people have been.

So if you didn't know, now you know:

  • Religion plays a significant role in coping with life stresses.
  • Negative religious experiences can cause mental illness.
  • Religious groups are vital support systems when faced with adversities.


In view of the foregoing, do not use religion to search for meaning and purpose alone. Use religion also to relief everyday stress through reflection on hope offered and regain traction through adherence to tenets provided.

I invite you to visit the website for important answers to questions regarding religion. You'll find useful information on questions like:

  • Why is there so many religions?
  • Is it necessary to belong to a religion?
  • Can true religion be identified?

Feel free to share your views on how religiousness can enhance mental wellbeing in the comment section below. Thank you for making out time to read this post and your generous upvotes.


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I am grateful to the newcomer's community for this achievement programme. Many thanks to @cryptokannon and @katerinaramm for their effort to provide lessons on markdowns for newbies like me☺️

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