Achievement 3: Content Etiquette


Plagiarism as defined by the American Merriam-Webster Dictionary means ‘to steal and pass off ideas as one’s own, to use another person’s production without crediting the source, to commit literary theft, to present as new and original – an idea or product derived from an existing source’. In simple terms, it is the practice of copying another person’s work or ideas and deliberately or intentionally making others to believe that you are the originator. In essence, it is a misrepresentation and a fraudulent act. Source

Plagiarism comes in different forms. They include;

  1. Complete Plagiarism: This form of plagiarism happens when one completely uses another person's work and then
    changes the original name to one's name.
  2. Verbatim Plagiarism: This is when someone copies another person's work word for word without quotation or
  3. Paraphrasing Plagiarism: From the word paraphrase, this is when another person's work or idea is used while
    rephrasing it as your own idea .

How to Stop Plagiarism
You can avoid plagiarism by doing these;

  • Stop being lazy: Always take your time to do your research
  • Proper use of citation or quotation
  • Don't take or share the glory of the original owner's work
  • Always be real

Having read and understood the Steemit Etiquette, I will put in my best to be real with my contents.
Thank you.

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