ACHIEVEMENT 5 TASK 4 BY @saxopedia: Review

Hello Steem World!

it has been a wonderful learning process so far and i must confess, it keeps being interesting as i go further. So far, i have completed my achievements 5 task 3 and thanks to @sapwood who has been directing me and more like a coach to me. I just wanna let him know you are amazing.

  • Steem DB?🤔🤔🤔

DB simply means Database, so in other words, when we talk of steemdb, we are referring to steem database. This tool is a block explorer and database for the Steem Blockchain.

SteemDB is also a tool that allows you to know who reblogged your posts, who was your newest follower, and STEEM blockchain metrics.

For example


picture showing the dropdown menu


picture showing all your content's reblogged by other

That way you will get to know who has reblogged your post, similarly, you will get to know about followers and following lists.

To get access to this tool, you just need to type in steemdb.oi in your browser as a url. This will redirect you the the wep app.


the above pictures shows the home page of the steemdb tool. In this home page, the chart shows the live chart of Steem/Bitcoin price on the markets.

Steem DB Features

  • 30-Day MVest Distribution
    This shows the percentage distribution to authors, curation, interest as well as witnesses over 30days. it should be noted thaty, these values are in Mega Vests(MV) hence, placing your cursor on the value of interest will bring out the exact value on either on of them.

  • Recent Blockchain Activity
    This is found right beneath the '30-Day MVest Distribution'. Here, we can access all the various recent activities within this blockchain. It is live and it provides updates on every single ongoing activity (votes, comments, transfers, comment options, claiming of account balance and so on).

    show blockchain activity and 30 mvest

  • Account
    This feature can be seen on the nav bar menu and it is the second. In this section you'll find the tabulated form of user accounts on this blockchain. It is well sorted in order of preference and can be filtered according to richlist, post, social and reputation.


  • Posts
    you will see which posts are in the top ranking. We can see which posts have got more votes. Which post was made on which date? All these details and many more important information we can find in this post option.


The witnesses section shows us the various witnesses we can find within this blockchain and it is arranged in order of votes. It also inculcates vital categories like history which shows all the relevant historical information associated with the various witnesses.


  • Tabs

"Another feature in steemdb is the 'lab' tool. Here users get to know of all the various experimental projects that are not yet embeded in steemdb. This also serves as the testing grounds for project we might see on steemdb in the foreseeable future."


Still on the nav bar, we have the a search form provided where you can search for an account on the blockchain and this will display a 30 days account history of that particular account


If you want, you can open a new account from the website and you can easily find all kinds of information by searching for anyone's ID.

Thanks for reading and i hope you got a better picture of what steemdb is and lastly, i would like to thank @cryptokannon, @steemcurator03, @steemcurator01, all those who have helped make it a success.

Reviews by @saxopedia

To the attention of @cryptokannon .

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