achievement3:Content Etiquette:@shahinurjahan

assalamualaikum everyone . I hope you all are well by the marcy of god.I am also fine. My username is @shahinurjahan on steemit.My Achievement 1 was verified by @ripon0630 and achievement 2 has been verified by @juichi .now my topic writing for achievement 3 is about etiquette.


etiquette is the ideal way of behavior that one must be followed in a particular community or society. we are working with steemit from people of all over the world so obviously, our etiquette varies but while we are steemit users we must forget about our native one and follow the etiquette of steemit.
etiquette is a fundamental ingradiance To build a sound society. We are working on the
Steemit platform in various communities. in steen there is also some etiquette that is followed by us
now I am going to describe steemit etiquette briefly short, the steemit etiquette can be divided into 3 parts

1Plagiarism free.
Use authentic tags
Content and pictures must be unique and plagiarism free;
firstly we have to know what is plagiarism !!! it refers to stealing the previously used idea, word, image, expression, or process as one's original creation is called plagiarism. theft or copyright infringement can also be considered Plagiarism. Plagiarism is frequently interpreted as the act of copying or appropriating another person's ideas or creative work. The severity of the offenses might be hidden by using terminology like "copying" and "borrowing, but it violates social norms.
we can classify plagiarism in parts 7 parts
*Accidental Plagiarism :
*Direct word-for-word Plagiarism:
*Source-based Plagiarism
*Mosaic or patchwork Plagiarism
*Self Plagiarism Global Plagiarism:
*Complete Plagiarism
*Rescript Plagiarism


Accidental plagiarism: This type of plagiarism frequently happens as a result of the ignorance of the user. Inadvertent plagiarism occurs when we leave research papers alone since we don't know how to properly paraphrase, cite, and quote them.

Direct word-for-word Plagiarism:
when we steal someone's work word by word and pass it into their own but we don't credit them for their work

Source-based Plagiarism
when someone claims false credit and an imaginary source then Source-based plagiarism occurs,
Mosaic or patchwork Plagiarism
In Mosaic plagiarism, the writer writers borrow from a source without using
Quote marks

Duplicating one's own work falls under this kind of plagiarism. Another name for it is auto-plagiarism. It occurs when a writer takes words from a piece of work they've already published and uses them in another. in academic journals self-plagiarism occurs frequently. Researchers are permitted to reuse their research for other research projects, but the percentage of reuse must adhere to standards imposed by publishing journals if they permit it.

Complete plagiarism is the most extreme type of copying. When someone plagiarizes another person's work verbatim, they are passing it off as their own. This might be done with a research paper, an article, an image, etc. Like identity theft or stealing, this type of plagiarism is unoriginal.

Rescript Plagiarism:
This is the kind of plagiarism that occurs when using some data without mentioning the source of author. this extreme kind of plagiarism has to be avoided.
Avoid Plagiarism
Avoiding Plagiarism, we can Add unique perspective to existing content and story

Giving credit to one's sources paraphrase Collecting sources and referencing together Using a plagiarism checker.

Consequence of Plagiarism

Awarded the worst mark.
The academic title or degree is denied.
criminal offenses such as Fraud and copyright infringement can not be prosecuted.
This is a plagiarism-free writing process. Citing a source is easy to steemit. But it requires code work such as we can use

Code[..source..]..( )

How to cite a source

Citation is not sufficient to simply note source name such as text source is The Daily star. A link to the specific The Daily star page where the content come is required. If we use numerous sources, we must add the source after each separate idea is recommended.

copy or pasted sentence should be in quotes > > or formatted using the >Markup.
Example of Citation
Example 1:

Bangladesh is very much known all over the world for its textile garments sector. the quality is also very much good for them and comparatively chip.
Example 2:
Inflation is a very important issue in the economic sector of the world. the present situation is really critical.''Besides covid 19 Ukraine Russia war added extra Inflation by about 1.3 percentage points in 2022. This increase came an impact on the supply chain and will take more of an effect on
consumer prices.''
Example 3:
If we describe a historical site in Bangladesh, we must use a source. we can quote this ….
Mohasthangor is an important archaeological site in Bangladesh, situated in the village Mohastangor Under the Rsjdhshi district.

A lot of value to a writer’s blog and to the reader is added when cites sources in this manner mentioned

  1. we have to be more creative because Plagiarism is nothing but fake.

  2. by Using a plagiarism checker we can find out if another author has already published your idea or work. we can find Plagiarism checkers online using chrome or any other browser.


I discussed various ways to prevent plagiarism. A citation is the most valuable, above all of these techniques.
"I have read and understood the etiquette of the Steemit community and will do my best to accept them as they are".
My achievement 2 link is :@shahinurjahan/achievement-2-basic-security-on-steemit-by-shahinurjahan

Thank you very much for reading my post. I pray for your happy and safe life

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