Achievement 2 @solar - star : Basic security on steemit

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I'm back again ,it is my #achievement2 post...😊 keys are used for different purposes in today's technology due to the increase of cyber crime😪some keys are used to derive all keys for your accountor someone having access to all your confidential accounts and all the tokens in it

So how can i keep my steem account secure??
First i need to save my master password and keep it somewhere safe,i need to login into my account using the key with the app permissions to do so.posting key for everyday login are active keys when necessary for transfers ,power up etc.

Why should i be careful with my master key?
The master key is used to derive all keys in my account or having passwords or unauthorised access to my accounts

What are my different keys for??
My password/keys,(this image is courtsey of @cryptokannon)

Owner key:i can only use it when necessary ,it is the most powerful key because it can change any key of an account including owner key and i can use it o recover a compromised account.

Posting key: it allows me to post ,comment,vote,resteam,edit and follow or unfollow other accounts ,i can personally log into steemit with my posting key/password.

Active key:it is for more sensitive tasks such as transfering funds ,power up steam transactions and converting steam dollars.

Have you retrived all your keys on steemit??

Yes i have

Do you know any of the keys functions and restriction??
Yes , the master key is a first level key of my account which gives me access to any other password.
Posting key is mosting for posting,comment and to vote.
Active key is used for transaction transfer on steam

I guess i can proudly say i know what all my keys are used for thank you @cryptokannon
Steamians ,thanks once again lets keep steaming hot😊

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