Achievement 3:content etiquette @ solar-star


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What is plagiarism?πŸ€ͺ
Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language,ideas or expressions as one's original work .it is especially without the consent of the orginal author,by incorporating it into the work without full acknoledgement.
Types of plagiarism
Direct plagiarism
Self plagiarism
Mosaic plagiarism
Accidental plagiarism

Direct plagiarism:it is the word for word transcription of a section of someone else work ,without any contribution ,it is always dishonest and has grounds for disciplinary actions.

Self plagiarism:it occurs when someone submits his or her own previous or just simply put copy and paste😁.

mosaic plagiarism: it is when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks or find synonyms for the authors language whether intentionally or not.

Accidental plagiarism:when someone neglects to cite their sources or unintentionally paraphrases a source using similar words,group of words and or sentence a struction what attribution.
*How i can avoid plagiarism"
Step 1: understand the meaning of plagiarism
Step2:properly research quotes and paraphrase
Step3:properly cited sources
Step 4:chose my work for possible plagiarism
Step 5:practice
I will give my self time to start working on a document and have interest in my topics that way i can avoid plaigiarism.

Because information ,pictures and music are now easy to copy from the internet it is now more tempting than ever to find and freely use those materials ,when using direct quoation ,then i need to reproduce it accurately and cite it correctly,these practices prevent inadvertent and guide provides the basis to get you started.
content etiquettein short words decribes the requirements of behaviours according to the conventions of society .it includes the proper conduct that is established by a community for various occasions including ceremonies ,court ,formal events and everyday life.
I hereby abide by this that i will ......
abstain from posting ortweeting certain informations
curb any tendency to over share an orginal source
adhere to offline rules of etiquette
unplug when others are present
limit my posts to items of real importance
*carefully select my audience members
consider who might be interested in a message
So i will ensure that everyone who interacts with my brand on social media will see a respectable,professional business and nice .....i will not plagiarise any content here on steemit
This is my #achievement3 post 😊😎

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