Achievement5 Task 4 by @solar-star review

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Im glad to be back again to complete my achievement 5 task 5 ...i have learnt a lot from my previous tasks.....

Steembd is a block explorer and a database for steemit user or the steemit blockchain......

I can access my recent history by going to my notifications and seeing the latest blog news.....once i log in with my posting key i see all my activities there...


This helps me to access all various tasks and activities ,it refreshes everytime i do it and update me on any single activities going on.....

I can check my ,votes,replies,upvotes,rewards ,transfer etc....if i want to check my post ,i click on post and see my previous post and some pending posts ,and others that have few dys or hours to pay out.....

For me to know if my post has been reblogged or resteem ,it usually shows on the notification section of my blog ,so i can check who and give reply when suitable...


I can check my voting power by typing i.e account i check my voting power there and know the weight...i can see my follower and those im following...

Im happy i have completed my @achievement5 tasks i'm impressed...thanks to @cryptokannon for the instructions...

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