Hello greetings to all the Steemiam in these platform may the good Lord continue to bless us all but before then,I want to seize these moments to appriacite those who have being welcoming me in these platform and also those who are still to welcome me in these great platform..

It is of difference type as shown below

I also give thank to those curators of higher level who have been going through my work to vote and support me especially@ngoenyi and @juichi who helped me verify my achievement 1 and 2.

Today I will be writing on my achievement


It is the act of copying someone knowledge or the act of duplicating someone work without giving any credit to that knowledge or work done by that person or even acknowledges the source of your work.


1). Self pligiriasm:

it is a process where by an
arthur copying work done by himself or herself from the previous to the present work .these has always been the case with most reporters.

2). Complete pligiriasm:

it is a situation where by an individual or a creator try to copy some want work claiming full ownership and it is also know to be stealing.

3). Mosaic pligiriasm:

it is a process where by an arthur copying a sentence of another arthur work to combine it as a sentence without acknowledges that arthur.

4).Direct pligiriasm:

it is a situation where by an arthur copying another arthur work or an article line after another without adding it works there by claiming ownership of the works also.know as stealing.

5). Paraphrasing Pligiriasm:

it is act of copying someone knowledge line by li from the source claiming ownership or giving cradit to that source of work.

6). Accident pligiriasm:

it is went an individual mistaking copy an arthur work from source of work without giving any concerns about that the wording.

After all the different types of pligiriasm ,it is good to examine the effect.

Effect Of Pligiriasm

1).it led to lazziness

Many people who do not want to be content creator are mostly bounded or subjected to pligiriasm

2),it led to academy theif.

This is because most people or author who copy someone work without acknowledges the source

3),lack of source reference

Most people failed to acknowledge the source of work or the author of work or work done without sitting the source.

Dispite the effects of pligiriasm,it is also good to avoid pligiriasm in the following ways

How To Avoid Pligiriasm

• it is always good to side the source of your work by giving reference to the work you have done

• it is always good to acknowledge the arthur work be it article, newspaper, books.

• it is always good to ask people consideration before taking a step each time you want to carry out a research on any given topic.

I want to used these special moment give thank to my special adviser @chiabertrand who introduced me to these great platform and encourage me on the important of these platform
I also want to give thank to all my colleague who are voting and are still yeah to vote for me on this platform
I will also give thank to @juichi and @ngonyi who helped to vote and support me in my achievement 1 and 2.



I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steem Community and will do my best to embrace them”.
Mention me after doing it correctly.
I will also give a special thank to @juichi for following up my achievement3 post

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