Achievement 1: My first post@tasrin94

Hey, I’m Mardia Tasrin but people here call me Tasrin. My Steemit ID is @tasrin94
I grew up in Bangladesh , and lived there most of my life before moving to Germany. I speak Bangla, German. and English.
I have been fond of writing since childhood. Although I love writing it is limited to me and the people close to me. I am really happy to find Steemit, hopefully this will be enjoyable.

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I grew up in a small village called Lakshmipur.I completed my SSC here then I moved to Dhaka for my HSC. Moving to Dhaka was not very easy for me. My father has supported me like a shield despite all the obstacles. After completing HSC I got married. I got married at a very young age. My husband was a student in Germany. Anyway, after that I was admitted to a private university in Dhaka. After completing 1.5 years I came to my my husband in Germany. I came here on student visa.
Then I took a German language course and entered the university through studentkollege (University preparatory course). After completing the 1st year, I feel that it will be difficult to complete my studies in German language. Then I took admission in International Business with English Proficiency. And finally got my bachelor's degree and master's degree. The journey was a lot of patience and suffering. My husband helped me a lot during this time. I don't have much job experience because I became a baby in the middle of my studies. I did only an internship for 1 year.Now I am trying again for my job. Hope to get it soon.
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Everything is pretty good here but I miss my parents a lot. I have a very beautiful family in Bangladesh with father, mother, brother and sister. My father is a teacher and mother is a housewife. I am mother of two beautiful children. My babies are very small. They are only 5 and 1 years. I am going through the most enjoyable and challenging time of my life.
Bangladesh is my birth place and I have been in Germany for many years, The 2 countries have some cultural similarities and differences. Hopefully I will be able to share everything soon.
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I found out about Steemit by searching YouTube and got the inspiration to write here.I have a lot of interest in working on this site and since writing has been one of my childhood interests, I wanted to channel it through Steemit , which might be a good pastime for me. This is the link where I came to know about Steemit.

My interest in Blockchain was originally sparked two years ago when I went on an excursion and some motivational speakers told us about crypto currency and blockchain. I felt that this area is a bit different from normal banking systems and it will be enjoyable for me.
I am very excited about this opportunity and wants to exploring this site. I hope Steemit and newcomers community will become a part of my life. Thank you all.

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