My name is Zubaer Khan. I was born on December 24, 2002. I live in Hugra Union, Tangail District, Bangladesh. I was born in the famous Khan family of Hugra village. I am the youngest of three siblings in my family and my two older sisters.
I have passed Secondary School Certificate (SSC) from Hugra Habib Quader High School, Tangail. I received a certificate of honor from this school. I am currently studying for a Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Tangail Polytechnic Institute. This institute is located in Tangail district of Bangladesh.
Hobby / Passion / Dislikes
This are my hobbies: Music, gardening, travelling, playing football, cricket, Badminton etc.
Passion: I have passion for business, creative things with my hands.
Dislikes: I hate fake beings, liars etc.
Experience with crypto
No experience yet with crypto but I have been hearing about it.
The kind of post I am looking for
I love jokes, Life stories, Inspirational quotes and Love stories etc. That's the kind of post I am looking for.
The kind of post I will be creating
I will be creating good post E.g. jokes, poet, events, love stories and entertainment etc.
How I hear about Steemit and what I hope to accomplish
Though I never knew or heard anything about Steemit not until my friend told me about it then introduce me to it. I intend to accomplish more because I don't believe in weakness when I want to achieve anything good for myself. Am focused, serious in getting things done in the appropriate way. I also wish to know more about crypto currency, and at the same time make money and also introduce my friend and family into it.
Finally my friend @max-pro who told me about it and also threw more light about Steemit. Today I am a registered member of Steemit.