The world inventions: The history and the case of the windmills!


We perceive windmills in Norway, and maybe there are coming more of them. And they make trouble for people living nearby to sleep during the night, and they also imply problems for people having plans to sell their property and their houses or cottages. Today, we find windmills in several countries, and one can make dimensions and variables on them that are just as before, larger than before or smaller than before. But we need competence to work in the firms with these issues, and even the state through the relevant minister, needs to think carefully and dwell with what is happening in different places where there are windmills, and there where will come windmills.

So, how did this miracle with the windmills actually happen? The earliest known wind powered grain mills and water pumps were used by the Persians in the years 500-900 before Christ and by the Chinese people in the year 1200 before Christ. The first windmill manufactured in the United States was designed by Daniel Halladay, who began inventing windmills in 1854 in his Connecticut machine shop. And how you design a modern windmill today, is just scientific puzzle solving, and we should have competence like engineers to plan and to implement the building of windmills, and economists can make calculations about whether it is economic sensible to have windwills. And the calculations show that any windmill should stand there for many years to be profitable. And the windwill destroy the value of the nature, and we cannot do anything against the decisions, if there is power and competence behind the advice and the placement of new windmills. But people can say what they want and feel for areas before things are really happen. In life, we are always trying to understand the nature and the human nature, and that is the situation in every country on our planet.

So, should anyone try to determine our lives? No, they should not. People are free to have their opinions, and nothing can be more away from the truth when people are telling you what to do of decisions in life, and speak for you. We have the competence from NHH and SNF in Bergen, and we can do whatever we like that we are qualified for. And research background is general and specific, and therefore there are always many things that we can do. But windmills should not be placed there unless people around in the relevant areas have told the state what to do, and why you feel and think like you do!

So, we see the windmills several places, and we perceive many of them just now in Norway, Denmark and probably many more countries. So, what is the main purposes with building and placing windmills as everybody can perceive? Wind turbines operate on a simple principle. The energy in the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity. Accordingly, windwills represent new technology and a new way to create electricity, and that comes in addition to the companies in energy that make hydropower to energy and electricity. We need to ask ourselves how we get electricity in our homes, in our cottages, in our flats, in the hotels around the world, and in the places where we are when being abroad. And it is just creativity and analysis that create the solutions we are perceiving from day to day. And Rome was not built in a day, and therefore we must use time to think about what we are doing, and why this development can be stupid or sensible, and we should use arguments for and against doing things, and we often do in the sciences.

But, why are humans using time and efforts on making and on using windmills? An evidence review published in the journal Renewable Energy in 2010, which included data from 119 turbines across 50 sites going back 30 years, concluded that the average windfarm produces 20-25 times more energy during its operational life than was used to construct and install its turbines. Hence, we can produce much energy, and more energy than before by using these windmills. And we must always think about how we are building them, and why we are getting the protests as we do, and what should be done to make people and organizations satisfied with the planning and implementing of windmills. And windmills are investments in Economic Theory, and therefore we must calculate properly and with long enough horizon to make the profitable for the use, and we should also think about sustainable development, and that we get the development different places as people living there and operating there require! And we will not be in any madhouse, but we should use our cognitions and intelligence as good as possible. Brain power is the present and the future, and also many times in the past!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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