Photos Of Feathered Friends Week 67 - Chubby Cock

Hello everyone. It's been a long time but I'm glad to be back to join one of my favorite contests here in Steemit, the Club 100 Contest of Photos Of Feathered Friends, hosted by @strawberrry. Check out the rules and regulations for the contest here. Join us and have fun.

There's this feathered creature I always see when I jog in the mornings at the Maharlika Park here at Lanzona Subdivision. He's a burly fellow and quite healthy. He has an unusual color combination which caught my attention. He's white, or shall we say dirty white, in the body, brown chest feathers upto his head, black tail with a red comb. He's quite jittery too for one his size. When he senses somebody near him he runs away at once, making it quite difficult to capture him in pictures close up. But I still try taking pictures of him but I can't get a shot that I like. But anyway, here are some of the photos I took. I hope you like them.



The pictures above were taken on a different date from the ones following.



I am still hoping to photograph him in a better and closer angle. When I do, I will post it here again. Meanwhile, I would like to invite some friends to join this contest. They are @nelinoeva, @davidesimoncini and @olgavita. Hope you three can find the time to join.

That's it for now. Stay safe everyone and may you have a great Friday ahead.

(All photos are mine.)

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