Photos of feathered friends - The goose.


A few days ago I passed by a park here in Bogota, Colombia and a sound caught my attention. It was the quacking of a goose and I recognized it right away and I go back to my time as a teenager where I lived with various types of animals, including geese.

I couldn't stand the temptation and I had to go inside to see the beautiful animals. There were whites and gray with white. Some were swimming in the pond and others were out eating grass, two of the activities geese are used to doing.


When I saw them swimming in the lagoon, I remembered that my father made cement pools for them so that they could enjoy the water since they spend more time in the water, they only come out when they are hungry and look for grass or food to eat. My father bought them sacks of lettuce that they sold in the vegetable stores, the ugly leaves that they remove from the lettuce were collected and every day he went to look for them.


I loved remembering those times of adolescence when we played with the animals in the house and I remember that many times we took the pool away from them to bathe ourselves hahaha, what a beautiful madness.
This is my entry to the #featheredfriends contest run by @strawberry.


I invite @dianadee @pea07 @careassaktart


Fotos de amigos emplumados - El ganso.

Hace unos dias pase por un parque aqui en Bogota, Colombia y un sonido me llamo la atencion. Era el graznar de un ganso y enseguida lo reconoci y me remonto a mi epoca de adolescente donde vivi con varios tipos de animales, entre ellos los gansos.

No aguante la tentacion y tuve que entrar para ver a los hermosos animales. Habian blancos y color gris con blanco. Algunos estaban nadando en la laguna y otros estaban afuera comiento pasto, dos de las actividades que acostumbran a hacer los gansos.

Cuando los vi nadando en la laguna recorde que mi papa les hacia piscinas de cemento para que ellos disfrutaran del agua ya que se la pasan mas tiempo dentro del agua, solo salen cuando tienen hambre y buscan pasto o comida para comer. Mi papa les compraba sacos de lechuga que vendian en las tiendas de verduras, las hojas feas que le quitan a la lechuga se las recogian y todos los dias el pasaba a buscarlas.

Me encanto recordar esos tiempos de adolescencia cuando jugabamos con los animales de la casa y recorde que muchas veces le quitamos la piscina a ellos para baƱarnos nosotros hahaha, que locura tan hermosa.

Esta es mi entrada al concurso de #featheredfriends realizado por @strawberry.

Invito a @dianadee @pea07 @careassaktart

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