#Club5050//Contest Steem Plants: Week 14, Plants I Admire

Hello everybody,

First of all I want to thank @manticao for reblogging this Steem Plants Contest. When I read about it, there is the urge to join, being a plant lover, too.

Number one I would like to share was this Bigleaf Hydrangea I snapped when we travelled to Buwakan(Flowers) Ni(of) Alejandra. A tourist spot here in our islands where you can see thousand of different species of flowers. I really love the clusters of flowers.


2nd share is this plant found at our neighbors side. The Red Hot Cat's Tail a species of Copperleaf also known as Foxtail and Philippines Medusa. I asked a little branch from my neighbor and planted it but I was sad it didn't grow. Our two cats, Ginger and Odette played in our garden knocking the containers, it didn't survived.


My 3rd share is this Sulfur Cosmos or Yellow
Cosmos I snapped in the prairie here in our place. Very timely a butterfly was sucking the nectar, grateful the butterfly didn't flew away when I shot it.


4th share is this Bridal Bouquet I snapped in the garden of Big Dipper Fish Pond here in our City. This plant were made as fence by the owner.


Next, I am sharing you this Red Gumamela we call this plant. I like the attractive red flowers also found at Big Dipper Fish Pond.


Lastly is my own plant The Queen Of The Night. I was so thankful our new friend, a Reflexologist, gave me this plant. Then, after a month I viewed a newscast that this is a collectors plant must be cared and nurtured for it cost a high price when started flowering. I just sigh and very very thankful I have this plant.


This is all I could share about plants on this Community. Hope you like it.

Thank you @strawberry for this contest.

10% from this post payout goes to @strawberry

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