Monuments of My City: The Golden Blood

This is my entry to @strawberry's CONTEST: Monuments and sculptures of my City #17. Please click on that link to know about this contest and the rules for this contest.


This is called Golden Blood in honor of our fallen frontliners during this pandemic. We all know what this COVID has brought to us - lots of lives have been lost. It was our frontliners who have been there and is still doing their part, sacrificing their lives to fight this battle against COVID.

A tree used to grow in its spot. If I remember it right, it was a Jacaranda.

It is therefore a good idea that this monument stands as a reminder to us albeit a grim one what COVID has done to us. Remember our frontliners. They are our modern heroes.

You can find this monument at Rizal Park just across the city hall.

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Here are more photos of the monument that I took.



If you can see it, the tower of the city hall and our flag is framed in the middle of the monument.



So there goes my entry for this round. Do you have monuments in your city? Why not share them too and join the fun.

#photography #landscape #travel

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