The Builders for CONTEST : Monuments and sculptures of my City #24



This monument is called "The Builders." This is located at the Centennial Garden in Baguio City's Botanical Garden. Here's a brief description taken from this post.

A public art sculpture at The Botanical Gardens of Baguio city that was unveiled during the centennial year celebration nine years ago. It is a five figure composition made of bronze. It represents the Americans, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Filipinos from the lowlands and of course the Igorots here in Baguio. These are the people that made Baguio, Baguio. The art piece is a concept of Ben-Hur G. Villanueva assisted by his sons Bumbo and Jik.

I had been curious as to what the monument was all about when I first saw it erected. There was no plaque to describe what the monument was all about.

There was an art exhibit last year where a miniature sculpture of this was displayed in that exhibit. It was then that I have known what the sculpture is all about.

Now that there are more information about it online, it gives you a better understanding and appreciation of what the monument is all about and those who have come before us and built the city.

Here are other photos that I took of this sculpture when we visited the bonsai exhibit.



This is my entry to @strawberrry's post CONTEST : Monuments and sculptures of my City #24: Памятники и скульптуры моего города : SteemitContest. Read more about the rules in that post and join the contest too.

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