Contest Steem Plants|| August 10, 2022|| " Exploring The Beauty Of Flowers"


Edited By: Canva Application

Another exciting week and another contest are once again posted here in this community. I am very happy to be here and I am very thankful for this great initiative of contest every week. I will share you tonight my photo compilations about flowers and as for me, It was very attractive, pretty and fascinating flowers. For me as I watched those flowers it keeps myself very peaceful it addens the colorful petals, good smell and forms of the flowers. This photo are token from our simple ornamental and flower garden here in our backyard and I am very lucky to have beautiful and colorful surroundings.


Plant NameCharacteristics
Chandelier FlowerIt has a beautiful violet color with a thread like on its petals.

This is very attractive flower because of its colors , forms and style of the petals. It is just like chandelier because of the thread like. There are small white bulb like at the top of the petals of the flowers and this will be turn into petals of the plants.


Plant NameCharacteristics
Mayana/Coleus plantsThis contains a different color of the leaves and it is very easy to propegate.

This is what we called Mayana and others called this plant, Coleus. This is very common plant here in our place but it is still very attractive because of its colors and forms. As far as I know, there are 45 kinds of coleus plants And I wanted to collect all of it. Some of this plants can give a medicinal benefits to all people and other coleus plants will be ornamental only.


Plant NameCharacteristics
Succulent PlantsIt has a pointed tip of the leaf and it grews taller at estimated of 1 foot.

I really love to plant succulents even if this kind of plants is very tricky to take care off. I was very happy to see that my succulent plants grews very healthy. I spend many times to plant succulents but only few of it survived including this one. Last year, I have a business about plant selling and one of the plants I sell was this succulent. Many people wants to buy also because this is good for interior decorations and put it in the center table.

I still collecting succulents and cactus until today because this is one of my favorite hobbies in life.

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