"Photos of feathered friends" week 5/The Beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet

I can see you (Lorikeet Healsville).jpg

I am pretty sure that by now you know that I like birds.

The photo I want to share with you today is of a bird you will find in Australia.
It is called the Rainbow Lorikeet.

These beautiful and colourful birds live among the flowers of trees from where they will mop the nectar and pollen with their bush tipped tongues. They give preference to gums, paperbacks and banksias trees.

They will fly in flocks roaming over the Eastern side of Australia, specifically near the coastal areas, searching for these blooming trees. They will fly in a flock of one or 2 dozen at a time.

More facts about the Lorikeet

🔷 You get various species of Lorikeets, 50 known species
🔷 These birds are part of the parakeet (parrot) family hence the “keet” in their name
🔷 You will only find 7 species in Australia of which I have seen 3. The Rainbow Lorikeet, the Scaly-breasted and the Musk Lorikeet
🔷 They are extremely active and noisy birds which “talks” all the time. Worse than mother in laws
🔷 They’ve got long and sharp beaks which help them to extract the nectar and seeds from the flowers
🔷 The Rainbow Lorikeet is known to be affectionate of nature and smart therefor they make good pets. When given enough attention you will get the Lorikeet to perform tricks
🔷 They are also very loveable there for you will see them playing in nature
🔷 They perform 30 gestures from hopping to bowing which they incorporate in dances
🔷 Lorikeets pair for life
🔷 During the spring/summer season they will breed inside a hollow tree and rear two chicks. This is then also when flowers on trees are plentiful
🔷 Their normal live for 7 to 10 years when they are in the wild and 15 years when in captivity
🔷 The Lorikeet is often refer to as the “Lory”

Lorikeet in tree (Healsville).jpg

When visiting Australia make sure that you visit one of their bird sanctuaries. These two photos were taken at the Healsville Sanctuary.

Thank you to @strawberrry for organising these competitions.


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