Photos of feathered friends | Ducks | by @nafeela

Assalamu Alikum and Hello, today I'm pleased to participate in this fun contest Photos of feathered friends. Feathered things are perfect, the more you discover then the more you fall in love with them so let's just say that birds are pretty cute creation of Allah, and today here I'm overwhelmed to talk about ducks , so let's QUACK;

IMG-4848 g.jpg

source: gallery

Ducks are often regarded as gangster birds, and that's the best part of them, moreover their cute little bodies and beaks are kinda perfect to. I deadly want a pet duck but my mama won't allow since I already have parrots and chicks, but I still want one (2 or 3 actually). Among all the breeds my favorites one is the Indian runner ducks, the white ones they big and cute.


source: pintrest



source: gallery

The location of these pictures is my university's main campus, they have ducks there, we go there for exams, the first time i went there and saw them, i went so joyous like DUCKS AHHHHH.
i give them bread every time i go, and we are somehow friends (since they never attacked me despite the fact i sat close to them), and they know me a bit hehe.


source: gallery

My mom once told me they had ducks, and they attacked every single person who was new for them.
i know that's cool

well they can bite-off your skin and won't leave until they done, so don't try to piss a duck.
Here are some more cute snaps of ducks i saved from pintrest.


some cute baby ducklings
source: pintrest

Let's just say they are a perfect combo of cuteness and coolness.

Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face.
Manoj Arora

note: the pictures from gallery are taken from iPhone 7+ and Samsung galaxy s4, rest are from pintrest (already saved in my mobile therefore can't drop the links).

Link to the contest
10% beneficiary rewards for @strawberrry

Thanks for giving it a look.
JazakAllah (Thumbs up)

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