Monuments of my City # 5 / Tribute to Manuel Piar / @SkinnyGirl

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Monument in homage to the execution of General Manuel Piar.

To all Steemians ♨️, I send you a very special greeting. Thanking @strawberry and the Steemit Contest Community, for this wonderful initiative.

This monument is located on the side of the "Cathedral of Santo Tomás", in the Plaza Bolívar of Ciudad Bolívar, between Calle Bolívar, Calle Amor Patrio, Calle Constitución and Calle Igualdad.

Brief history

⚡ The General in Chief Manuel Carlos Piar was born in Willemstad (Curaçao) on April 28, 1774.

⚡ Despite his deep patriotic sense, to some extent he represented the resentment felt by the "pardos" caste (to which he belonged) towards Mantuan society; which reached its maximum expression in the rivalry that it sustained with Bolívar.

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Tribute to the Guayanes People.

⚡ He was self-taught, acquired a solid culture and mastered several languages: Dutch, Spanish, French, English, Papiamento from his native island, Patois or Creole from Haiti, and Guinean, an African language spoken in Curaçao among slaves.

⚡ At his early 23 years, he participated in La Guaira in the so-called conspiracy of Gual and Spain, defeated in July 1.797.

⚡ In January 1807 he is in Haiti, integrating the revolutionary process of that island and commanding a warship.

⚡ His military experience and inclination for freedom, make him serve the Independence of Venezuela after the events of April 19, 1810, starting his career in the Navy.

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Place where General Manuel Piar was shot.

⚡ On March 26, 1812, he participated in the naval battle of Sorondo, fought in the waters of the Orinoco.

⚡ Liberated the east of the country from the Spanish forces, he returns to his life as a sailor and organizes the first squadron of Venezuela, with which he defeats the enemy ships between Puerto Francés and Chuspa (November 18, 1813) and establishes the blockade of Puerto Cabello, in combination with the site imposed by the Liberator.

⚡ On October 16, 1814, he was defeated by the troops of José Tomás Boves, in the savannah of El Salado, in front of Cumaná.

⚡ In 1816 he triumphed over Francisco Tomás Morales in the battle of El Juncal (September 27). From there he begins the march to Guayana to begin the liberation operations of that province.


House where General Manuel Piar was arrested, located in front of the Santo Tomás Cathedral.

⚡ At the beginning of 1817 he laid siege to the city of Angostura. On April 11 of that year, he defeated Brigadier Miguel de la Torre y Pando, in the battle of San Félix or Chirica.

⚡ On May 8, 1.817 Piar accepts the postulates of the Cariaco Congress, which proposed the elimination of the Liberator's sole Headquarters and confronted him. As a consequence of this, he was deprived of the command of the troops by order of Bolívar; so he decided to request his retirement from the army (with the rank of General in Chief), which was granted on June 30, 1817.

⚡ He is arrested in Aragua de Maturín on September 28, 1817, accused of touring the military camps seeking to put the troops against the white and Mantuan leadership; being taken to the Angostura headquarters, where he was put on trial.

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View from the wall from Calle Amor Patrio.

⚡ On October 15 of that same year, the War Council sentenced General Piar to death for the crimes of insubordination, desertion, sedition and conspiracy. Simón Bolívar, confirmed the sentence without degradation.

⚡ On October 16, 1817, General in Chief Manuel Piar was shot in front of the wall on the western side of the Angostura Cathedral and buried in the El Cardonal cemetery.


Execution of General Manuel Piar. Source


Monument Location.

DeviceSamsung Galaxy A02
Application UsedPhotoStamp Camera
LocationCiudad Bolívar, Venezuela
DateMarch 30, 2022
Source ConsultedManuel Piar - Venezuela Tuya

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I want to invite @luimer79, @venturabogarin and @teretiti. If you want to participate in the contest, CLICK HERE.

CONTEST : Monuments of my City #5 : Памятники моего города : SteemitContest

Translator: Google Translate.

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