"Monuments of my city" Hungarian Boy

Hungarian Boy


What is it and why

It is a monument erected to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of October-November 1956. The monument was appropriated by the Hungarian authorities. It was built in 2016. In the Csepel District of Budapest there is a twin monument to the one from Szczecin.

History of this monument

Hungarian society in 1956 decidedto unite and take up armed struggle. They demanded the democratization of everyday life as well as the state, independence and sovereignty.
They were bloody repressed by the Soviet troops. 2,700 Hungarians died, 19,000 were injured, and about 200,000 had to flee the country. It is worth mentioning that about 200 Hungarians were executed. It was a great tragedy. Hungary has lost a large part of its population.

Why the monument is in Poland

In a gesture of solidarity, Poles donated blood, medicine, food and basic necessities to the Hungarian people. To begin rebuilding the capital. Donations from my city of Szczecin went to the Workers ' District of Csepel in Budapest. That is why there is a twin monument to the one in Szczecin.


This monument symbolizes Poland good relations with Hungary. It shows how we feel about each other.
The "Hungarian boy" is the perfect symbol of our friendship.

The organizer of the contest is @strawberrry
contest link @strawberrry/club100-contest-monuments-and-sculptures-of-my-city-52-pamyatniki-i-skulptury-moego-goroda-steemitcontest

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