Around The World Landscape Photography contest 10 steem prize pool

Autumn is perhaps the most gorgeous and attractive season of the year. After all, nature undergoes significant changes in the fall.

And how lovely it is to be at the park early in the morning when the weather is nice and sunny. Through the fall, getting out into nature, walking in parks, and collecting leaves is essential. I don't want to leave the beauty of the trees against the backdrop of a bright sky. It's pleasant to stroll on fallen leaves that have formed a soft carpet on the ground. The croaking of frogs becomes practically inaudible, and the birds begin to move south as the park's waters darken and resemble glass.


The squirrels in the park start to be picky, which is understandable given that they need to prepare for the winter by hiding nuts in the forest floor and mushrooms in the bark of trees. Nature's splendour in fall enchants like a fairy tale. It is, indeed, the fall season, which is associated with fairy tales and enchantment. Please don't let fall pass us by without making us joyful.

I invite @divia , @merathi and @saathi to join.

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