Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | My busy day in words and pictures

Hello and welcome to my blog.

My laundry and I

Have you woken up for the day and you are pushed h to your feet because you seem to have a whole lot to achieve in one day and you need to be slow at all. So it was for me.

I had a busy day but that didn’t stop me from saying my prayers in the morning. After my prayers, I had to be to a meeting online by 7am but I had so much to do for the day that I had to be multitasking while in my meeting.

So with my EarPods on my ears, I switched to my online meeeting to join while I packed my clothes and proceeded to the laundry space where I stay to wash. I had not washed in a long while and I had hips of dirty clothes to wash.

The washing lasted for a while and I was still in my online meeting which lasted for like two hours. When I finished washing, I proceeded to make breakfast and ate. I had to clean the room and also clean and arrange my locker.

On my way to the meeting

I had some transcribing to do online and so was literally on my phone till 3pm working. The transcribing job is not an easy one as you would have to listen and pause what you are listening to and then begin to type them. You pause again and listen again and type and it goes on and on.

It was a busy day for me. While working on my phone, I had a meeting to attend in the evening and I had to go take my bath and proceeded to my meeting. I had a little hitch getting transport to my meeting place and the place where I sat wasn’t comfortable.

Me at the meeting

I was sitting or I’d say perching on the from seat with the driver. I don’t really like sitting there because it’s not always convenient, it’s like not getting enough for the value of the money you are paying.

24308660-86F1-45A9-9F1C-F876785512F6.jpegMy dinner

I got to the meeting venue and had to wait a little time for the meeting to start. It lasted for about three hours and o got home at about 8pm. I was already tired hence I had to resort to eating something very light. I had dinner of cornflakes and milk and then I retired for the night.

Thank you for breezing through my blog. Your comments and support are welcomed. I invite @njisoro, @usoro01 and @lovelystar to participate in this contest.

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