"School: My View, Myself Wk2".


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Hello Everyone !

I am @hudamalik20 from Pakistan. How are you all , I Hope you all are well and doing great in your life .Today I am participating in this contest
"School: My View, Myself Wk2". organized by @saintkelvin17 in Steem for Pakistan community.

So let's start.


What do you understand by the word SCHOOL?

School means an institute or a place where a student gets education , learns daily life and explore a lot . It is a combination of teachers , friends, rivals and competition.School plays a very important role in the mental development of a person. Books taught in schools do not only teach courses but also help to make a person a complete and exemplary person.



Timetables made by school numbers convince a person to be punctual. They understand the importance of time.School is a place where any person not only gets education but also shares the most beautiful moments of his life. He gets life experiences here. The best part of school life is the beautiful friends made over the years . All of them make this journey very easy and beautiful. That is where we get education, we are taught about good and bad.


Explain 4 advantages of attending a school.
  • Knowledge : School is the greatest way to increase human knowledge. The book being read gives a person all kinds of knowledge and information related to every field of life. The knowledge we get through schools helps us to move forward in life. Each class has a course of books taught different from the previous class which increases its knowledge.
  • Learning new skills : In school life, a person gets many meaningful experiences. If he fails an exam, he learns to work hard and move forward.
    Also, how to celebrate when he gets good marks in any exam. The various activities conducted in the school inculcate in the student a different awareness of how to work together with others and work together as a team. As he enters the next grade and faces difficult books, he realizes that life is like that, at first it becomes easy and then it becomes difficult with time, but one day these difficulties will be overcome.


  • Mental development: School plays a role in the mental development of any student that as soon as he faces various events in school, he gets stressed and learns the difficulties of life. When we solves math questions in school, it makes us confident that we can solve life's problems in the same way. Apart from this, the various habits taught in school are deeply rooted in his personal life.

  • Build self confidence: School life makes any person confident that when he participates in the various activities performed in school and performs in front of a full school crowd, it instills confidence in him that if he can do this work in front of people, then his confidence is restored. And when a student asks his teacher a question about the subject being taught during his lecture and the teacher gives him a good response, he attain confidence.


Did you enjoy your high school days? Give us your reasons.

Yes, I have enjoyed my high school days a lot. The reason for this enjoyment and fun was my friends who were with me. We used to do a lot of art and fun at school . We all used to study hard together and used to get good marks in the results after the exams but along with that we used to have a lot of fun in school life.

I was very fond of cricket, so we played a lot of cricket in the last two years of school. I used to go to school early in the morning and my friends used to play cricket together. Apart from that we used to play cricket during the break time but because Ground was my show that's why we used to play cricket mostly in the morning. Even in class when we get a free lecture i.e. a teacher is on leave, we have fun.



We used to play Antakshri with the whole class and form two groups. Our class had a teachers' staff room, from there the teacher often used to complain about us and scold us, but we had no effect of her scolding. We used to have a lot of fun with our teachers that if we never remembered the lesson, we used to spend time engaging them in talking and trying to pass the time in talking and the teacher would not remember listening to the lesson.

I was also very fond of art and craft. We also decorated our class very beautifully and our school used to organize such competitions and often won these competitions in our class. We used to eat each other's lunch during class and used to sit on the ground in winter and have a good talk.


Tell us about two of your best friends in school.

In school, almost the whole class was my friend, but this friend of mine was very special. Ayesha was my very good friend, we used to sit together in the class, we often talked during the class and we had to listen to the teacher scolding us during the lecture.

Now both her college and mine are different but I still go to her house sometimes his house is a little far from mine but sometimes when I think it is on the occasion of Eid we both meet.



Neha was also my very dear and good friend. If I sometimes had to understand something about studies, she would often explain it to me and she would teach me different things about life and about the religion.

Now all our friends have different colleges and we study in different places but I had a big wish in school that all three of us are in the same college but our wish could not be fulfilled and now we are separate. But now we often talk to each other on the phone

Now I like to invite @sur-riti @yhudy and @norat22 to participate in this contest.

With best wishes.

Thanks alot for reading 🤍.

Regards : @hudamalik20 .


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