The Role Model of My Heart is...

I can't say there's anyone in my life I see as a role model. For sure my parents are not the ones. The truth is I raised myself in a certain way and took care of my mother as well. Not that it was appreciated but I wasn't left any choice.

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Do you think we need to have a role model in our lives? If yes, then explain your answer.

This is the first question asked.

What if I say no because I believe that's my answer. There's no one in my life, and there never has been anyone who was my role model. I never met that person and I don't say this to brag but it's a fact. I struggled alone as a child, I survived, although it was not expected, several times. And here I am the underdog, still alive and travelling through life solo.
Those few people I met (was allowed to meet) or bumped into at school were not my role models it was the opposite. I always felt like the old and wise one and was treated that way. As a child, a teenager I had a few adults for friends and I was the one who had to teach them how to train the dog or get things done. Thinking back it's odd but it is as it is and me hanging out with the "elderly" must have been good for something (for them not me since taking care of of adults is heavy for a child).

Since I had no role model and did it my way I find it hard to answer if it's needed. For sure most of those I met needed one or at least someone who dared to jump into the fire to save their arse or be that shield if they were kicked and scolded. I still seem to be the one who is good enough to do that job and just like Jeanne d'Arc I will most likely be used till I am burned at the stake as a witch or stoned to death. Gratefulness is rare among human beings so is loyalty and love. Today I had that "great" experience again of how easily one is hated for saying my opinion, an opinion that might be the opposite of what the questioner has in mind. It's interesting how people love the role models with strong personalities, the fighters and survivors but dislike and envy them if they are in the family, live nearby or are confronted with them.

So far so good there's no one I look up to and also no one I will kneel for. I never understood the fans and groupies, the stalkers and people who adore a so-called VIP. It's not that there are no singers with a great voice or a lyric that I find inspiring (or makes me laugh) but they are not my role model. Why not you might wonder, perhaps because nobody is perfect?

Some say we all need a role model, a parent or teacher or whomever that may be, but I doubt that is true. What we need is something that inspires us or forces us to be creative and move on. In my experience those who need a model, someone to copy-paste need this because of a certain lack, a lack of skill perhaps? I can imagine if you bump into a problem you don't know how to solve, like working with men only, you like to know how others deal with it. If they tell you the truth and if it works out for you as a nobody in the same way as it does for a VIP (the one with fame and money) is questionable but it's always worth the try.

Who doesn't dare to try will never know if it's possible and why.

There's no yes for me and I don't think it will bring me anything to ask why I might be different from those who say they have one. At times it feels to me if I read this kind of question it's as if all humans in the world are a bunch of losers who can't figure out anything by themselves. If this true or is it something of modern life forces upon us? What is exactly the point of "adoring" a VIP or being a follower of "trendsetter", "model", influencer or actor? Does the average fan feel more complete if s/he copies her/his favourite model? If this is the case I can only conclude that the reason is low self-esteem. As a fan of some Instagram influencers there's a big chance the real person isn't seen and what we adore is just a show.

Are there people I like? The answer is yes and if so I might remember the words they said and by now I'm even writing them down as @patjewell suggested. I remember words, and phrases said by family members, friends, teachers, at times more the way they acted than their words and if it comes to those people it is not different from what I hear in films and series or read in books.

What if I am just a fruitcake living in a dream world and am my own model? I leave it up to you reader if I have a role model. All I can do is share a bit of the dreamworld I am living in, what pops up in my mind at this very moment.

The Mad Monster Party - one of the best, most funny films ever - great songs included

Tomi Ungerer

The German version is way better (I bought the DVD 3 times) this is humour!

His book: No kiss for mother (about a cat who refuses to give his mom a kiss)
His story: Little Red Riding Hood is super.

Tim Burton


The Corpse Bride


A Nightmare before Christmas - My favourite one

Heinz G. Konsalik, the German Author wrote 155 novels an average of 2 a year. Next to novels he wrote for a newspaper, poems and more. By far I did not read all his books and only recently started to read one I found thrown away with the trash on the street. A talk with him might be interesting but he passed away in February 2019.

Those who know me know that I write in bed or at least it is what I do most of the time. I write in my sleep and if I wake up, still eyes closed, the stories are there. It's the same if I lay down. I am not the only one who writes in bed, George Orwell and Mark Twain did. I start early in the morning and once done I get out of bed and start the day. The rest of the day is needed for editing and looking for pictures.

In a few days, it's 3 months ago I started writing on Steemit again and it feels as if most of what I do is not what I want. It doesn't feel good to me to be "forced" to copy others (including titles that don't make any sense or look inviting if it comes to reading) and this all just because some say this is the way it should be done, how Steemit works.
Well, I did my homework and it turns out this statement is not true. Not if it comes to good content and not if it comes to creativity. So perhaps those authors without a club status are my (new) role models you might say? I don't think so because I already felt this was not good for me before I discovered this platform is way bigger than the small circle I am moving around in.

Let's see what the next three months will bring and if I have found a role model by that time

P.s. The YouTube videos, stories and authors I mentioned above aren't my role models and I didn't copycat their ideas. I just am who I am I like and am intrigued by what they do/did.

If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment

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I did this. Can you miss a bit #Steem too
so a few more of us can 'celebrate' the end of the month?
Thank you! @wakeupkitty

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Header/banner/Photogrid: Canva
Pictures: AI-generated by me
I am a mobile phone user only


Thanks for inviting @yaladeeds
@pousinha if you like to join, use the same tags and you can always post elsewhere
@aminasafdar @rokhani @huraira50 @abdulmomin @frafiomatale
@ibesso did you watch these films?

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