SEC-S13W4 | "Is age just a number?".

Hello my steemit friends Today, I came to your door step with quite interesting engagement challenge from the Scouts and their friends community. Topic " is age just a number ? I admire the topic 100%, Today, i would take the lead by sharing with all Steemians my best topic by going straight to answering contest questions. Hopefully everyone would like it

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Is age just a number

Honestly speaking is not possible when considering the demarcation of the human existences even their physical outlook and their internal understanding has cleared the air.
Let us briefly look at the meaning of age.
Age can be seen as a lengthen period of time human live on earth. In referring to all living things, it can be the time all living creatures on earth have to survive
. However, in biologically expression, it is a time for which human undergoes it chromonal completion .
A lot of people value age compare to many who do not all.Then those one valuing age would give respect to older people much more than the opposite ones.

Looking at my nation, most of our younger ones are taught to obey and give reverence to elderly men and women. Schools, Churches, Mosques and other places of moral teaching are training our children to obey and value their elderly ones irrespective of their behaviour.

Morever, nowadays we have had catalytic nomenclature in our environment within were our people show much respect to our rich and wealthy individuals do matter the age. Imagine instead of our elderly ones to be fully respected but they are the one giving respect and reverence to the children because of money.A lot of lifestyles has brought contamination to our society , Churches, Mosques and other socio-economic and polical organisations such that the normal deliberation towards getting a qualitative citizenry has fold off.

On my own perceptive, i had reviewed that irrespective of our human status either old or young it is the high time to observe and agree on the fact that human reserve to be respected, i.e young people should agree that elderly ones have that sense of respect and our elderly ones should also agree base on this publication that children deserve to be respected.

But, I also agree that age alone would never make an individual to saddle an with the responsibilities but base on what one has taken the advantage of that time to gain with the age.

It is more valuable to strive for wisdom when growing up and focus on doing the needful as well becaus that is the time it works.

Are you proud of the age you are? or are you one of those who take off or put on age?

Taken off age is to me is all about individual determination and choice because in our Country we see this as one of the advantage of getting employment, been a political affiliate, and gaining of admission for studying. In country when under British government, really there was no need to take off age at any reason. Meanwhile today we perceive a lot of devaluation and inconsistentcy in keeping to our vows mostly when getting to public office.
My Aunty once given us scenario how she fought diligently to have access to government establishment but all the effort was annulled after several consultations she decides to take another dimension by going to court to swear affidavits of age declaration. However after she has finally done this her application for government job was fully respected and Honour.

Is being 20 really the same as being 65?

Physically looking for this page is quite noticeable and observable, i had seen that those ones at 20 are very vibrant, good-looking and are disease resistant because their immune system is very strong. However in sporting activities those at 20 are very vibrant and strong.But at 65 our people at these category can be described or seen as grandpa and grandma. They are people who have seen things in their lives, they are generally and honourably regarded as wise people.

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How old would you like to be right now and why?

As i am writting this article iam at the age 20 to 30. I love this article because if time permit i would highlights my achievement at this age. I have gathered much more to sustain me throughout my lifetime. This is When i see my bright future, this is when i see my relationship with God, this is when i strive for eternal life. this category of life had place and define my status such that i have registered my life already on divine principles.

Do you agree with the special treatment of the laws for older people'

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Really, in this part of the world mostly in my nation, I do not hear or taught about any special laws related to the treatment of elderly ones. However it is a pity so to say that most of our elderly ones who were s
civil servants got retired without gratuity and some passed off without gotten their pension while alive.
Our elder ones must be taken care of. Their present in the society is quite needful. They acts and work to protect young ones and helps encouraging younger ones too.

So I had passionately agree to establishment of any law that will helps to treat our elderly ones with fairness and justification.

Do you think 18 is old enough to be considered an adult?

Well, i had considered this to be a time one can be on his or her own. I could recall that at this age i had already finished my secondary school two years before this time, so i travelled to stay with my aunty then i got job and money started coming i had to be on my own i.e by renting my persnal apartment and start caring for myself.


Finally my fellow Steemians, When one's years of existence are combined with a wealth of knowledge and experience, age truly isn't simply a number.

If, however, one lacks the wisdom that comes with that age, then it could just be a number.

A universal rule protecting the elderly who are frail and suffering from one illness or another should be in place. Elderly people should also be treated with the dignity and respect they merit.

@nsijoro , @scilwa and @okere-blessing, please kindly join me on this challenge thankyou "Is age just a number?".


This is my introductory post here

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