SEC- S13W4 | "Is Age Just A Number?"


Good day everyone, how are you all doing. It's so good to know we are all in good health. Today, I will be sharing my own opinion on age.

Are You Proud Of The Age You Are? Or Are You One Of Those Who Take Off Or Put On Age?


I am really proud of my age, ofcourse I am 24 and happy. It has always been a thing of joy to tell people my age. I don't add or subtract from my age just to feel among or gain favour from people, 24 fits me perfectly and if I am ever proud of the things I have ever done, I would boldly write "I have conquered every phase".

Subtracting from my age gives me this sense of not being able to live over my past or I am not ready to take on whatever responsibility that comes with this age. Also, adding to my age is like adding more responsibilities to my life, I mean responsibilities my level of experience cannot handle, so I am really proud of my age.

Is It Really The Same To Be 20 Years Old Than 65?

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I will say a big "No" , it is not the same to be 20 years than 65. A 20 year old person can't even match quarter of what a 65 year person has experienced, the adventures of life, the hills, plain, thorns and roses of life. There is an adage that says "What an elderly person sees while sitting, a young person will never see even when they climb an Iroko tree". So, it can never be the same.

Also, interns of health wise, a 20 year old person may decide to eat whatever he or she finds best to, but a 65 year old person will never try such as old age will set in and a lot of things will change even with ones taste buds which will influence their choice of food. Moreover, if a 65 year old person decides to eat much of junks, they might be quick to feel the effects than a 20 year old person.

Though death is always inevitable and doesn't at time looks at age, but then, a 65 year old person has little to no time to live an error and trial life meanwhile a 20 year old person has enough time by his side to make all the mistakes and still correct them.

How Old Would You Like To Be Right Now And Why?


I would want to be my age 24, like right now, this my current real age and I wouldn't trade the experiences that comes with this age for anything. I love every phase of my life and if tomorrow I turn 25, I will chose 25 because eery age comes with it Responsibilities and experiences that shapes our lives towards the promising future.

Furthermore, it wouldn't take me a second when I would tell you that I would still chose 24 right now as it is yet another phase in my life I have grown to see and i have faced each adventure that leads me here has taught me lessons other years or age might not teach me.

Do You Agree With The Special Treatment Of The Laws For Older People?

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Ofcourse yes,I do agree with it. The truth is, the older we get, the weaker our body system gets, so we will reach point in our lives where we won't be able to run errands again for ourselves, days are coming when we will not be able to visit our kitchens and prepare whatever we are craving for, this is the point we will need people's help. We will need younger people who are more stronger and active than us to perform these tasks for us .

Age comes with it baggages and one cannot shy away from that phase you will listen to songs and it will not be as melodious as it used to be, this is time changing and we evolving, it is nothing unusual. When we reach this level, we will need to be taken care of else we suffer and die.

Do You Think 18 Is Old Enough To Be Considered An Adult?


To me, I think adulthood is a State of mind not the numbers added to our lives. So if an 18 year old person is matured enough to take responsibilities of ones action, then the age shouldn't be a yardstick to measure adulthood.

Moreover, we have babies in adult age bodies. In the world today, we have seen different exploits made by under 18, the age can never limit ones productivity and that's what adulthood stands for "productivity" and being able to own up to responsibilities.

I want to invite @emily08, @chant and @goodybest to participate in this contest.

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