SEC-S13W4 | "Is age just a number?"

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Is age just a number? The answer is not so simple, if I may say so. What age means to Mr. A is different from what it means to Mr. B. Do you ever ask yourself, "At my younger age, I survived with just 4 hours of sleep, but now that I am older, I feel I need more hours to seep?"

When I was younger, I was taught to always greet and respect my seniors. My seniors here could be people with one year different or months different, but when I became of age, I saw a lady of about 35 getting married to a young man of 30 and I asked myself, "Where is the age and the senior?" I thought the man was supposed to be older.

Well, for me, age is just a number!

Are you proud of the age you are? or are you one of those who take off or put on age?

Oh! Yes, I am very proud of my age, and guess what? You can't even guess my age. You might doubt it if I told you.

I look 10 years younger than my age, and I love it, although sometimes I get some insults from younger people who think I'm their age. Getting older is not something to be embarrassed about; getting older is a collection of lessons, adventures, and experiences that have made you who you are.

I am very proud and happy with my age. I have lived my life knowing the good and the bad, falling and rising, and experiencing life in general.

Wisdom comes from experience I noticed this when I got my first job. It was a teaching job, and I was paid a little salary to start my life. I'd never paid bills; it was just my family supporting me all through.

When I got my first salary, I used it wisely, as though my life depended on it. I began to write a list before spending any amount. I began to be wiser about life because I advanced in age. Being older makes me wiser because when I was younger, I lived a luxury life. I guess it was not my fault, but I am older with wisdom, and I love my age.

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Is it really the same to be 20 years old than 65?

It's a feeling! Sometimes I feel 20 when it is just me living the kind of life I want. No duty calls! I could travel five times in a week, and I don't get tired of it. Every day was Christmas for me, where I needed to visit friends, hang out, and get the gist. I never thought of work.

I was at the university, and I was supported with everything I needed, so I didn't have to think of anything else. There was no one to call on the phone requesting money; rather, I was the one requesting money. Life when I would ask for #5,000 and get #20,000

But being older leaves me with responsibilities. I have to work hard to take care of my family. I am older and wiser, and as such, I know what life entails.

How old would you like to be right now and why?

I would like to be 8 years old. Knowing fully well the condition of the country now, I would love to be 8 years old, where everything would be provided for me.

I will sleep comfortably without thinking about what to eat or what to wear. The life of a baby is sweet and dependent. Yes, I would always depend on my parents for everything. I can even cry, and my need will be solved.

But being older puts me under so many responsibilities.

Do you agree with the special treatment of the laws for older people?


Yes, older people should be given special treatment because they are no longer able to do so many things by themselves. Most of the older people show younger characters, which shows that they truly need to be given special treatment.

Due to health challenges, a lot of older people are bedridden, and as such, special treatment is needed for them. Old age requires more care, attention, and love for them to live longer.

Do you think 18 is old enough to be considered an adult?

Yes, I think so. 18 is considered an adult. Although it was not so when I was growing up, when I was 18, I was not considered an adult, except when you show maturity in some things and can be considered an adult at 18.

Now, the level of maturity of the young ones has made even 15 people considered adults. At 18, I was ready for my first degree, but it was not opportune to go until after some years.

I have seen an 18-year-old girl who is the breadwinner of her family. She does all the jobs she can to fend for her family and takes responsibility. Well, some are lucky, while others are not.

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